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    @TronicOrbital of course you wln't have to re-buy it if we end up renaming it

    +4 2.0 years ago
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    @ColdAerospace I'm reading all the comments on discord, the website and reddit, so yeah, it's being seen

    +4 2.0 years ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt It's funny to see you comment such a thing on an update focusing on bringing what the community wanted to the game. And btw, even if you don't share things, I'm glad to hear you still play and enjoy the game. Your opinion is as valid as everyone else opinions, this is a post to comment what is being added, if you feel like the game is lacking something you can see if it was already suggested here and if not, suggest it yourself. With enough backing and if we think it fits the game, we will sure consider adding it.

    +4 2.3 years ago
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    Even my laptop struggles to run planet studio, having it enabled on mobile will only cause a lot of problems.

    +4 4.0 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison I know it's an old suggestion and you had problems implementing it, but for Vizzy having access to orbital parameters is a must (apoapsis, periapsis, time for both, orbital period...) and encounter parameters would be really cool (time to land, distance to land, lat/long for the landing, distance to target, time to target, info about planet approaches...)

    Another very appreciated addition would be an optional code interface and not just blocks (even if it is through xml or something similar)

    +4 4.6 years ago
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    Ooof I need a copy of Aero Effect VR

    +4 4.7 years ago
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    You can make transparent paints, the problem is that the parts can't have transparency, so the paint looks opaque once you apply it
    Making parts transparent can be a problem in the rendering engine (currently transparency would prevent water to be rendered behind the part and some other issues like that)

    +4 4.7 years ago
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    @Ehelium2 @wwwNews222com stop this please

    +4 4.9 years ago
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    @Bmcclory we don't even need a new part, just an spheric option on nosecones instead of just cone and curved cone, that can prevent the spike on top of the deformated nosecones

    +4 5.1 years ago
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    And when you have 50 mods in the Lego bucket better install the Janitor's closet

    +4 5.2 years ago
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    The size issue, just make the crafts meant to have crew adapted to the size of the crew, same for KSP, if you want Kerbonauts the craft needs to fit them.
    For the custom cabins problem. If they add characters I'm sure they'll add crafts with interiors, and many cabins have interiors now, it's just an inexistent problem that will be fixed itself. The only problem is that old crafts won't work well with them, like with the new engines.
    A quick fix for the custom cabins would be adding a seat part, so them can be on the seat and not inside the only crew cabin part that we have now, and then improving how cargo bay doors work so we can make the cabins.

    +4 5.2 years ago
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    @tars13 wait for planet builder, career mode and mod tools lmao. Only things ksp has now are kermen, antenna and science. And a shit ton of mods. But for this price this game crushes ksp.
    And wait for mobile release

    +4 5.2 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison nice to see negative mass go away :)
    Translation/rotation tools are totally broken, check it out or people may get upset with this beta

    +4 5.2 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison model rockets, separation stages, RCS like engines (I'm planning to use the rcs thrust to control the throttle of some engines to have more powerful RCS)
    And also for the looks, of course

    +4 5.2 years ago
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    If you link pistons they act as a rope
    A whip
    A crane cable
    Another crane
    Hinges work too

    *This crafts were made in older versions, I don't know if they still work well

    +4 5.4 years ago
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    You can use a fairing or a wing with tinkered heat resistance and paint it the same as the in-game heat shield

    +4 5.4 years ago
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    This has been answered dozens of times in the forum and it's answered in FAQ. 2019, there's no date yet.

    +4 5.4 years ago
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    @nico412 I don't recommend you to drive long land distances with a plane

    +4 5.5 years ago
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    @gigachad1969 the free version will get updates only once things have been already tested in the Complete Edition

    +3 2 months ago
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    @BmnkRocketIndustries @PZLAerospacesAgency pinging devs makes it more likely for both of you to be banned if you abuse it. If you have a problem report a bug or, if you ping, at least provide some info.

    +3 5 months ago
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    @AttackTitan09 I haven't tried that mod myself so it is hard to tell, if the mod is causing problems you should let the author know

    +3 8 months ago
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    @LampEnjoyer you can make things emit light stock, and someone is working on a clouds mod already

    +3 10 months ago
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    @Nagisae PE is minecraft, not JNO, and no

    +3 11 months ago
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    @Junkthunder JNO

    +3 1.4 years ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt as in the website, if we are aware of anyone being underage they are immediately banned and reported to Discord.
    If you are so worried about those places having underage users and you haven't reported it that is illegal. If you know of anyone on this site that is underage please send us the information over email, we take that very seriously.

    +3 1.5 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 I'm going to suggest you taking my advise seriously, even if you don't like seriousness. Stop being rude to others, that's all, if you don't want to, you will receive a warning. That's all, no need to go around in circles about this any more, accept the rules for what they are and move on.

    +3 1.9 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 there's nobody crying here, it's just that you are creating an environment that isn't suited for this place. What you call a joke is just a rude comment, the satiric intent doesn't translate over a comment, especially when talking to complete strangers and out of nowhere.
    If we haven't published any results is because the form is still getting entries and we are running other tests in paralell to the form. We haven't come to a conclusion because there's no rush.

    +3 1.9 years ago
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    @GSpace if the game keeps all the same features but adds career mode and you stop playing just because of the name, I guess you didn't like the game that much before either

    +3 1.9 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital the thing is that although the name makes it sound like SR2 is a sequel of SR, it's not. I was talking the other day with some friends and came to the conclusion that it's closer to SP swapping guns with space than SR1

    +3 2.0 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 am I?

    +3 2.0 years ago
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    @Mikel8 this coming week we'll release an update that fixes most of what you commented, but could you explain what happened with your funks? And could you make a bug report with the craft that is spinning with the parachutes?

    +3 2.3 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 please, stop intoxicating so many posts with your comments.

    +3 2.5 years ago
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    @Elewaitingforally patience is something we expect from any moderator

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 the devs are the ones to contact, but not through comments, you can report bugs from the game and we will look at them with access to the craft, sandbox, and logs, so we can actually study the problem.
    If you don't see what's wrong with your attitude you should reconsider how you behave in society, saying a moderator "nobody is asking you" when you are being warned is not acceptable behavior.

    +3 2.8 years ago
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    @HoverAerospace @aaaaalsa you have to add it in when it doesn't exist already, and careful with those values! 50 is crazy large

    +3 2.8 years ago
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    @Arstotzka no, that'd just add pressure to us and frustration to the community. We already have a roadmap where we add some of the most relevant things we are working on.

    +3 3.0 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 the things I'm using from ESS were things or made by me or by Jastro and me, and still, it's not a copy-paste of those moons, just took the ideas and made them from scratch

    +3 3.4 years ago
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    @Playery mods aren't supported on mobile platforms, but you can still download crafts, sandboxes, celestial bodies, and systems that don't use mods.

    +3 3.5 years ago
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    14ROVI has a mod that adds weapons and area damage

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    @Rafaeldo367 te refieres al que sale a la izquierda de tu nombre en los comentarios? Eso son los puntos que tienes, que se pueden conseguir con upvotes en tus naves, mods, planetas, posts del foro...

    +3 4.0 years ago
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    @diegoavion84 I've never been there, but judging on my experience those lines shouldn't exist

    +3 4.3 years ago
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    The twr calculation is not as easy as just multiplying by theta but it could be done with a vector sum instead of magnitude sum as it is now. Not sure about the hit in the performance doing so. If they let us access all the things accessible through input controllers and part position (relative to the com)/rotation it may be possible to calculate it ad hoc in a vizzy program.
    Performance analysis based on planets is a good idea, it affects only planets with atmosphere and the twr value but would be interesting to have
    The ascend/descend node is planned iirc (you can see them now but not select them).
    To be honest, just this things shouldn't make you leave, there are other problems that affect the gameplay more (some broken basic orbit dynamics, minor inconveniences like having to go out of the designer to select a launch location, aerodynamic glitches, simple details that could be added like capping speed to c, inconsistencies in some parts...) but I understand that they are a really small team and the focus now has to be to build a strong base for the game with the basic mechanics (planet studio, career mode...) that take a lot of work and are quintessential to the game success.
    In fact, look back at all the things they've done in just one year, I was expecting most of them to take twice as long: the android release, vizzy, the jets and engines, the lights... They've even added things that most of the community doesn't use just to make us, the active players, happy, like everything to do with the input controllers. It's really obvious how much they care for us and how much love they have for this game.

    +3 4.4 years ago
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    @TopSecret2 that's too niche as you said, for xml mods you just need access to the storage files

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    @Kell who are you? Rocket lab?

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    @DPSAircraftManufacturer if you read the post he already mentions that this is highly influenced by Scratch

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    One thing I'm worried about humanoid characters is falling into the uncanny valley or having too simple animations that end up looking kind of funny. Do you have any plan to sort that out?

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    The trailer seems to be far from reality and many of the additions are things that were already a thing in mods: better textures, updates to the models, better graphics and some new parts. I really feel like that should be an update to ksp and not a new game but heh, I guess Squad needs money.
    Don't get me wrong, I would love to try it, if only my laptop is capable of running it xd

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    +3 5.1 years ago
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    @Shmexysmpilot Some of the suggestions are written by the devs though

    +3 5.1 years ago
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    @KraZIvan @JastroOne1 we have to catch them all

    +3 5.2 years ago