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    @TheMakerOfThings haha i can relate to the lore part, i have loads of my own lore for Hypernova as well (Zenith-tier & similar crafts, the entirety of Zenith Galaxy, and extra content) and i'm struggling to compact it to get it into a readable form for me to upload it on a random storytelling website while i upload all of the assets to here

    +2 8 months ago
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    you said sometime near deleting your old account that you'd be making a big project, may i ask if you have an estimated completion/release date? obviously you don't need to be too specific
    (i assume said project is the planets and lore with the Alpha Centauri stuff that takes place in like the 2200s to like 2900s and whatnot)

    +2 8 months ago
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    Fosoni: a (mostly) habitable world with towering mountain chains that create different "cells", each with a unique ecosystem exclusive to that cell isolated from all others, and the only way for terrestrial things to cross to other cells would be to risk climbing the mountains or cross through a valley area that can be found semi-rarely

    +2 9 months ago
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    this is a simple one, but you could take any existing plane, rocket (or just vehicle in general) and try to make it look like if it were AI-generated (for example, make a basic F-15 or whatever and then distort its cockpit, inlets, wings, etc)

    another idea i've got is a "clichémobile", simply take many stereotypical scifi tropes (fusion reactors, cryo sleeping pods, warp drives, laser weapons, treating spacecraft like naval ships for whatever reason, etc) and jumble them into one spacecraft

    +2 9 months ago
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    @Wenhop i'm still working on that but it'll take a while since i'm simply so busy with both JNO/SR2 and other games

    +2 10 months ago
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    @SamTheFox ehhh kind of
    at least you can do it on mobile

    +2 one year ago
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    as a wise person once said...

    weight reduction bro

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    you can sort of make a throttleable solid rocket engine, here's how:
    1. take out a standard liquid rocket engine
    2. set up the size, nozzle, etc. beforehand
    3. go into tinker panel (if you have it enabled) and at the bottom there's "edit hidden properties"
    4. on the top arrows, click them until you find RocketEngine or something similar
    5. find the fuel type, replace the "LOX/RP1" (or LH2 or CH4, depending if you use kerolox, hydrolox, or methalox respectively) with "Solid"
    6. click apply, your rocket engine should now use solid fuel
    7. if you wish to change a parameter it will revert it back to normal, so you will need to repeat the process once you're done

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    yeah, i fall into this category too, i make crap stuff and here i am with like 12k useless internet points :/

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    can also confirm, JunoRockets2 became a meme the moment this stage of the logo transition appeared

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    @SheriffHackdogMCPE @Aviator01 cheers, i'll be doin' some mass reporting both here and over on the SP site, we've dealt with dealt issues before and surely we can deal with them now too :thumbs_up:

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    all jokes aside JunoRockets actually sounds pretty cool

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    is it only in the 999 beta? the PlanetStudio_ToggleTerrainGenerationAdvancedSettings command doesn't show up or even get recognized for me
    if it is currently in the beta right now, it's no problem for me, since i plan to release ZG 2.0 (which includes a majority of the celestial bodies i want to add clouds to) only after 999 or 1.0 releases, plus i still have a bunch of VB stuff to release before it

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    @FrankX yeah, i've suggested custom loading screens for custom systems too, i hope it gets added sometime tbh

    +2 1.4 years ago
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    i actually had some ideas for new docking port styles so i thought i'd share them here
    Basic - literally just what we have right now
    Sleek - a smoothened, futuristic design, essentially it is a flat cylinder that tapers down to a smaller radius and then to the actual docking part, basically it looks like an oversized rcs nozzle
    Expander - when docking is enabled it extends via some sort of telescoping mechanism, which can prevent collisions between docked crafts due to the port not being far enough
    Slot and Connector - one-way docking port, obviously inspired by SR1

    +2 1.4 years ago
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    mad respect for comparing the two as unbiased as possible

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    at least you didn't read your own words incorrectly
    while writing this i literally read "progress" as "poggers" once

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    keep in mind that planet sizes in the game (both in site and game) are always given in radius, so be sure to remember that
    - start from the main menu
    - go to the button with the control panel button (it has little buttons and knobs and whatnot on it)
    - scroll down a bit, open all drop-down menus
    - you should see "planet radius" or something like that with almost always a non-decimal number in one of the later drop-down menus, that's the radius
    - edit said number to change radius

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    big pog

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    yeah i'm pretty sure its smth to do with COPPA, though really that whole thing could be avoided if all websites didn't spy on us in the first place regardless of age or origin or account

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    there's a few communication satellites scattered around Droo, and also some weird unreadable cursive text on a block and a bench near the new space center

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    that other site is specifically designed for writing (though less buggy) so it makes sense
    it also means my profile's post will be a bit cluttered, and maybe even helps to save server space (over here at least)

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    the legacy one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    adding onto @SamTheFox comment:

    for the noise types:
    Cellular: also known as cracks noise due to being used for generating terrain cracks, it uses "cells" as seen by the name and has a variety of options which i won't explain
    Cubic - virtually never used, can't say much
    Cubic Fractal - rarely used, it looks somewhat natural but is incompatible with power noises
    Perlin - can be used for some basic shapes (e.g. on asteroids) but its fractal version is typically preferred over it
    Perlin Fractal - the most used one, it looks natural and is compatible with all fractal types
    Value - artificial looking square-like terrain, not reccommended
    Value Fractal - somewhat commonly used, but has the downside of having manmade-looking square-like terrain
    Value Fractal with Derivative - generates "bulges", generally not used often but does see some usage in unique terrain (e.g. the "spikes" in the venusian template)
    White Noise - its basically the no signal tv screen being used as a noise, should only be used on stars or gas giants as terrain generated with this type has buggy colliders

    for the 3 main fractal noise types:
    FBM - generic and natural looking
    Billow - puffy, bulging out
    Ridged Multi - opposite of Billow, very sharp mountain-like edges

    Powers: ranging from V1 to V3 (and a "Ridged Multi V2", without powers), these adjust some sections of the noise, with the "Power Exponent" parameter adjusting how harsh the modified sections are
    Ridged Multi V2 generally results in even sharper edges compared to its normal variant

    EDIT: adding my interpretations of what was also mentioned (or not) below

    Seed: this is basically what gives it the randomness, its just a random number (can be any number of digits, but randomizing it will always result in it being multidigit)
    Frequency: the "size" of the noise, higher numbers will make it smaller and more dense, and vice versa of course, reccommended to keep it at 0.25-1 for large terrain, 1-3 for normal terrain, and 2-10 for small and high detailed terrain
    Strength: adjusts how "harsh" the noise is, for example if the noise is used to generate mountains then higher strength will make the mountains taller, most celestial bodies have between 0.1-5 for normal stuff, but some have even lower values (e.g. 0.01) on high detailed creations to remove messiness and spikes
    Octaves: its essentially like a "round" in an arcade game or boxing match but with different parameters, which will be explained below, in general more octaves usually result in better looking terrain but also needs more computing power to use, most planets have 4-10 for most normal terrain, with sometimes 12 being used for extreme detail, and anything above 12 is not really worth it because it can take a while to load
    Lacunarity: this multiplies the "Frequency" parameter per each octave, this is 2 at default (e.g. with frequency 1, it goes from 1 in octave 1, to 2 in octave 2, to 4 in octave 3, etc.) but can be adjusted to any number (reccommended to not go above 3 as it can cause bugs)
    Gain: this multiplied the "Strength" parameter per each octave, this is 0.5 at default (e.g. with strength 1, it goes from 1 in octave 1, to 0.5 in octave 2, to 0.25 in octave 3, etc.), but it can also be adjusted to any number (recommended to not go above 1 as it can be buggy or just generally super spiky sometimes)
    (keep in mind Lacunarity and Gain are useless with only 1 octave)
    however if you do have a lot of octaves you can actually set them to negative values too and they will work too with some really interesting results though most are just spikes everywhere to hell and back
    Domain Warping: this is too complicated to explain here, and is generally used by medium experienced players (like me) and by planet studio pros, but essentially it adjusts the terrain further than what is capable without it

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    Nebra: epic water, epic colors, epic views, epic for flying
    Taurus: titan ripoff so its an automatic pog, kinda fun to fly in (even with the dense atmo), and also haha liquid methane bath goes brrr
    Jastrus: sick views

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    you might have collisions on the ramp enabled (which is understandable, as when working with anything that moves semi-independently of the main craft, disabling collisions is basically required to prevent glitches), if this is the cass then enable collisions on the ramp pieces and try to make it rotate just enough so it doesn't bug
    if collisions switched on/off aren't the case, well in that case i can't help you, sorry

    +2 1.8 years ago
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    try to enable Fuel Line in advanced properties on the fuel tank, engine, and battery, and anything that connects those parts, this will ensure that resources will go to their destination regardless of connections

    +2 1.8 years ago
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    yeah, that works, but it's difficult to get accurate gravity values with that

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    yes, but make it toggleable so people won't have to update their builds

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    that is a legendary roast towards humanity, is it okay if i screenshot it?

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    some people have made interstellar systems before (with differing amounts of realism regarding distances between stars) so i'm sure it's possible

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    "too many planets, too little effort"
    am i a joke to you

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    congrats :)
    i don't think i'll reach it soon xd

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    okay, okay, the Jundroo Machine made me smile more than it should have - that said, i forgot to even write a review for your games lol, will do in the future though :)

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    something similar to Titan would be cool, with a THICC atmosphere and some lakes scattered around

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    10 days left, poggers

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    (as said by the title of the post, this is completely satire and is not intended to offend anyone)

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    i'll get to work on that, thanks for suggesting!

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    i made a quick build featuring some parts with stability modifier for those who want to have stability modifier on parts after updating but can't due to lacking mod support, they can just grab a part from there. (the rest is explained in the description of the thing)

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    QOL features are basically much more minor features that are just there to make the user experience better

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    @SeeyaTheFurry i've uploaded the planets from the 2021 version but it doesn't let me upload the system itself

    +1 5 days ago
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    you can't change isp itself, but you can decrease it indirectly by decreasing fuel consumption (mass flow) or increasing thrust

    +1 6 days ago
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    @SeeyaTheFurry i'm pretty sure i do, gonna take a while though
    edit: yep, i do have it, two versions in fact; one from 2021 and one from 2022, which do you want? i assume the 22 is newer version and thus better though

    +1 10 days ago
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    in the tinker panel there will be a button called "edit hidden properties"
    there will be two arrows on the top, use those to navigate to "FuelTank"
    there, you will find many attributes and parameters, the one you need will be something like "fuel" or "fueltype"
    change that from "LOX/RP-1" (or whatever there was inside it) to "PETN"
    hit apply after that and you're done

    +1 one month ago
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    @Hyperant yeah, i confirm this too

    +1 one month ago
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    it's time for fuselage cutting :))))))))))))

    finally i will be able to make extra cursed stuff here too, and not just in SP... and the symmetry, hoo boy

    +1 one month ago
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    yeah, one time they did say they'd transfer over to junoneworigins.com and have simplerockets.com be the redirect, however idk what happened since then either
    i've also been wanting to make a post about this but never got around to doing it

    +1 one month ago
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    yeah, we've been experiencing a scambot infestation for a while now, there's a few in the forums as well
    idk why they haven't been banned yet

    +1 one month ago
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    +1 2 months ago
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    to my knowledge there aren't a lot of household "meme" crafts like the GC over here, i'd say the closest would be something like Androo, and you might find some meme builds occasionally popping up on the front page

    +1 2 months ago