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    I don't think you can change your account name. However you can set your avatar via gravatar.com. You will also find a link for this by expanding the menu by clicking your user name, select "View Profile," then use the blue "Account Settings" button and select "Manage Account."

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    Also, consider joining this discord where you can easily share screen shots and video, and you will sometimes get a quicker response in the #help channel than you might get here on the forum (although both are good resources).

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    Also, it's not a guide per se, but one of the brilliant minds here created this excellent diagram of delta-v requirements for different transfers.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I'm not aware of a specific guide to various transfers, however, conceptually it's fairly simple. To do a fuel efficient transfer (ignoring gravity assists which are much more complicated), you are basically going to be doing a Hohmann transfer to get you from one planet to another. TLDR; A Hohmann transfer means doing a burn to go from an initial (generally circular) orbit to an elliptical orbit having one apsis touching the initial orbit and the other apsis touching the target orbit, and then do another burn at the opposite apsis to change from that elliptical orbit to the target circular orbit. Interplanetary Hohmann transfers are a little bit more complicated than a Hohmann transfer because 1) you have to time your burn to arrive at the target orbit at the right time to have a rendezvous, and 2) you have to deal with exiting your current sphere of influence (which basically means making your initial burn at the appropriate point in your current orbit). There is a really good video about this by Scott Manley. He is using Kerbal Space Program but many of the concepts are transferable. If you want to see it done in SR2, here is a slightly less awesome tutorial (<-- not Scott Manley, but still many kudos to folks making these SR2 tutorial videos 👍).

    There's also lot more to be found about Hohmann transfers and interplanetary maneuvers on the web, for example: https://ai-solutions.com/freeflyeruniversityguide/interplanetaryhohmann_transfe.htm#calculatinganinterplanetaryhohmanntransfer

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I just use Google with the site:simplerockets.com/Forums keyword. Seems to work reasonably well. Google updates their index more frequently and seems to have better precision. For example I was able to find this exact post by searching for site:simplerockets.com/Forums "search inside".

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I have encountered this only in cases where I manually edited the XML file for a saved Flight Program and then tried to load it. I have usually been able to recover such programs with more XML editing, but in some cases I've never been able to get the original Flight Program to load again.

    So as far as the cause in your case I'm not sure. If you are able to share the xml file for a flight program you are having trouble loading I would be willing to see if I can recover it for you.

    Edit: never mind, I see you found your problem.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @KraZIvan oops, sorry I failed at completely reading your post. I hope my Vizzy script is useful let me know if you have any questions. However it does seem like given the rocket auto pilot's default behavior it should be able to maintain stable roll. There must be something about your craft inducing the roll in the first place.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I have updated the post with some new information about Flight Programs running on non-player-controlled craft within the atmosphere. Unfortunately the results are quite disheartening. Basically after the craft is more than 1km away from the player almost nothing works, your rocket becomes a ballistic lump of metal with no angular velocity and no flight controls.

    I have reason to believe that things may be better in orbit, but I still need to do more testing.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I'm not sure if by "without using the sliders" you mean not involving them at all, or just not having to manually set them in the UI. If the former, follow AnotherFireFox's suggestion. However, if it is just the latter then the xml modification is unnecessary and you can just use the set [Slider 1] to [number] craft instruction.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    See this post: Vizzy-on-Non-Controlled-Craft-What-Works-and-What-Doesnt.

    @AnotherFireFox I have not reproduced this bug, I have been able to leave a vizzy program running that sets slider and roll inputs on a craft I'm not controlling. Is this a new bug? Link? Repro steps?

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    What do you mean, "to numbers?" You have a vector, do you want its length? Its x, y, and z components? Do you mean you want to plot an intercept course in heading & pitch based on your position, your target's position, and your target's velocity?

    If you want length or x/y/z components there is an expression that takes a vector and has a drop down that defaults to length, that's the one you want.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    FWIW I think my trig is correct, but there must be a practical consideration I'm missing, because experimentally the error is quite a bit lower. When I launched at a heading of 43 degrees I wound up with an inclination of 46.5, only 0.5 degrees off from what you would get if there were no adjustment due to rotation.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    What kind of distance are you talking about? If you're talking about being in a different orbit than the target or out of phase by more than a few kilometers than you should focus on learning and mastering orbital maneuvers.

    Once you are within a few kilometers the technique I've been using is to use RCS in translate mode to move toward the target while compensating for any altitude change that might induce and then match velocities once you are very close to the target (within 100 meters) focus on exactly matching velocity (keep in mind that however much you change your velocity by to close the gap you have to undo that to avoid overshooting). Patience is a virtue, if you come in to fast you will have trouble overshooting your target. It's important to have a good RCS setup on your craft so that you can translate without inducing spin, and so that it is powerful enough to make it responsive without being excessively twitchy. Managing your ships orientation while translating can be quite tricky. There are numerous approaches, but I like to lock toward the target to translate towards it and then lock to current heading when matching velocity. Remember to get your roll leveled so that translation inputs go in the direction you expect. One other tip when matching velocity is focus on one axis at a time. Zoom out so that your nav rings extend far enough to encompass your target and then orient the camera so that you're seeing one of the planes from the side, translate perpendicular to that plane such that the target is on the same plane as you and holding steady.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I take it you're talking about launching into an inclined orbit as opposed to making a plane change maneuver in orbit since Droo's rotation would be irrelevant in the latter case.

    Droo's rotation imparts ~150 meters per second of horizontal velocity when launching from the launchpad. Orbital velocity for 100km Droo orbit is 3400 m/s. Therefore if you point at 43 degrees and launch up to 100km circular orbit that 150 m/s will be responsible for some of your forward motion and a small change in your trajectory. Theoretically you can use trig to figure out how much. If you launch at 43 degrees the component of velocity due to rotation that is going to change your trajectory is going to be 150 * sin(47) and given that the angle of deflection going to be arctan(150 * sin(47) / 3400 which is 1.85 degrees. So you could just adjust your trajectory -1.85 degrees, however the amount of deflection at this new trajectory will be slightly different. I feel like it should be possible to define this equations in terms of a target and some error, and then solve for error, but it's late and I'm not coming up with it in my head.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Most rockets designed for Droo and the default solar system won't perform very will in Realistic Solar System because of the increased size and mass of the home planet, plus the increased distances between the planets and moons. You'll want to look at Realistic Engine Overhaul when making rockets that will perform well in RSS.

    That said you don't "need" to make these adaptations if you're not using the modded solar system yourself.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    That said, I think more proximity sensor capabilities is a great idea and you should definitely post this in the suggestions section of the site. It would be awesome if there were a Vizzy command to get a list of all the other craft within a certain range, and it would be awesome if non-controlled craft could continue to have and track targets. I look forward to unleashing artificial life satellite swarms and watching my GPU melt!

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    TLDR: not currently possible, if you are controlling an astronaut or another craft, and you want to cause something to happen on a craft you are not controlling, your best option is to select a part on the other craft and activate it.

    Vizzy programs do continue to execute on crafts not currently controlled by the player, at least when the craft that is controlled by the player is in a certain range, although some things stop working such as locked headings IIRC (i.e. autopilot). There isn't a general purpose proximity sensor, however you can sense the position of both the current target for a craft, and a part in that craft (by id). Unfortunately one of the things that stops working when you are no longer in control of a craft is its ability to have & track a target. So while you can target astronauts and other craft from a craft with a proximity sensing Vizzy script, as soon as you take control of the astronaut or other craft the Vizzy script on the first craft forgets about the targeting. Also even though astronauts count as parts, as soon as they go EVA the craft loses the ability to get their position. So if you are approaching a craft with an EVA astronaut and you want a rotator on your craft to do something your easiest option is to just select that part and activate it. It might be possible to do complicated things by activating a trigger part (like a light), and then detecting that activation in a Vizzy script on the craft and manipulating other parts in complex ways, however I haven't tested this so I don't know exhaustively what does and doesn't work on the non-controlled craft.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    I'm guessing these are stored in the game's installation directory, as Unity asset files. Unity is the game development platform Simple Rockets is built in. I don't think these textures are meant to be modified and if you did modify them it's not something you would be able to share with anybody. I suggest you wait for the Planet Builder feature and see what it has in store. The ESS folks managed to get some pretty impressive results just tweaking the stock textures.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    In theory you could go either way. If you know exactly how much payload mass you have and precisely what orbit you want to put it in, you can build a rocket to perfectly match that specification and neither has more fuel capacity than it needs nor bigger engines than it needs. However this takes extra work for each payload (especially relevant in the real world where you cannot just tweak fuel tank sizes and engine parameters). Therefore it makes a lot more sense to build one rocket that can support a range of payload masses and orbits and simply calculate the fuel requirements for your particular payload/orbit profile.
    When designing a rocket I usually design for maximum mass to LDO (Low Droo Orbit, aka parking orbit). Once have your rocket designed you should be able to calculate maximum payload masses for various orbits. If you want to launch a payload lighter than your maximum you can just adjust your fuel load accordingly.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    You got me curious so I decided to see what it would take to build a functional SSTO spaceplane. Here is my attempt: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/YoLQky/Semi-functional-SSTO-Spaceplane

    • It is very heavy: 270,000 kg wet mass
    • Its atmospheric stage is 4 jet engines with 2,300 kN that can burn full throttle for 2.7 minutes
    • Jet engines get me to around 10 km with a surface velocity of 500 m/s
    • Stage 2 delta-V is 4,381 m/s in a vacuum (although a little gets burnt getting off the runway)
    • Gets to orbit with 900 m/s delta-V to spare

    The autopilot is pretty dysfunctional, and this craft is not re-entry ready (it just burns up).

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    It might help if you were a little more specific. I am not an expert on SSTO space planes, but I understand they are notoriously challenging because you have to carry 100% of your propellant storage and engines with you into orbit. Additionally, jet engines, assuming you're using a mix of air breathing engines and rocket, don't get you to anywhere near the velocities or altitudes you need.
    But unless you can be more specific than just not having enough thrust I'm not sure anybody is going to be able to help you. What kind of engines are you using? What are their specific impulses (at sea level and in vacuum)? What kind of fuels? What is the mass of your craft? What is the mass of your fuel (jet fuel and rocket fuel separately if you're using both)?
    Better yet, upload your craft and share a link then people could actually take a look, see what you are trying to do, and give you some pointers.
    Also you could try searching the craft other people have uploaded: https://www.simplerockets.com/Crafts/Search?q=ssto although be aware that many of the craft you'll find on the site have had there XML modified in ways that violates the realism of the game (i.e. they have engines that generate unrealistic amounts of thrust for the fuel they consume).

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    You should consider uploading an example rocket with this flight program to make it easier for folks to try out. You can make it unlisted if you only want people to discover it via this post.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    I started writing a response to this two weeks ago, and it turned in to a research project and an essay. It is still a work in progress, but I'm developing a syllabus for teaching beginners (especially middle school and high school kids) how to get a rocket into orbit that I hope does a better job of giving people a firm grasp on the core concepts than just following the tutorials and using trial and error: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EAcnHexoaeTKNtFMxZpYhgeurQAqb9AhhQjzTuiLea8/edit

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    OK, here you go: This rocket has a Vizzy program to get it to 150km orbit. And this rocket has a Vizzy program to launch it at the right time to rendezvous with a target that is in a circular 150km orbit with near zero inclination.

    To be clear this is about the most simplistic approach to automating this, you can definitely do more advanced math to make a guidance program that works for different orbits, inclinations, payload masses, etc.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Option 1. Port PEGAS to Vizzy 😱

    Option 2. Given an existing Vizzy program that gets your space craft to the desired circular orbit (everything is much simpler if we're talking about circular orbits), based on the 1) time it takes your craft to get to orbit, and 2) the degrees of rotation in the celestial plane that your rocket travels on it's way to orbit, you should be able to automate a launch to rendezvous within a few kilometers. It will be a little tricky because there doesn't seem to be a way to get the orbital parameters of another craft, however I think it can be done using the direction to target vector. I've been meaning to do this myself so I can stop manually timing my rendezvous launches, so I'll see if I can provide you an example.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed no worries. Thank you for clarifying.

    2.2 years ago
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    If you are struggling with thoughts of self harm please reach out to a professionally staffed resource.

    2.2 years ago
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    No sorry, I don't

    2.5 years ago
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    You can implement vector rotation with a custom expression. This is implemented using Rodrigues' Rotation Formula. You can find this and a bunch of other expressions here.

    2.5 years ago
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    @FriendlyFin not true.

    Apoapsis becomes N/A when you achieve a hyperbolic orbit around your current parent celestial body. However, it is somewhat imprecise to speak of "setting" one's apoapsis. You don't set your apoapsis, you increase it by burning prograde (ideally near your periapsis). Technically you do not need to achieve a truly hyperbolic orbit to make a planetary transfer because once you are out of the sphere of influence of your current celestial body it won't matter whether your orbit was technically still elliptical. You may find the vizzy program in this craft of interest. It is unfinished and still has some bugs that I was never able to iron out.

    2.6 years ago
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    Re underage bans. It looks like SRM made a comment indicating they were underage which may have precipitated the ban. For more info see https://www.simplerockets.com/Forums/View/143212/Why-is-PaooX-banned#comment-271120

    2.7 years ago
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    @pianoplanepianorocket either did not read or disregarded, and then it was disclosed somehow that they were under the age limit, thus the site moderators gained actual knowledge that a child under 13 was using the site and were forced to act in accordance with the law.

    For the record: https://www.simplerockets.com/About/Terms

    2.8 years ago
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    @MirazAerospace I'm not sure, can you screenshot the situation where you are not seeing connection point? Or better yet make a short video of what you are doing? Are you trying to connect the cockpit to something or connection something to the cockpit? Are you connecting via drag and drop or using the part connections panel?

    2.8 years ago
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    @pianoplane The "read the rules" text is a default response when a moderator removes a post because it is not appropriate for the site. It should be self evident why your post is not appropriate, which is why SupremeDorian is being coy. Since you are continue to be a nuisance I'll spell it out for you: even though the rules to explicitly prohibit users from posting worthless nonsense to the forums, it creates a bad experience for the rest of the community, and therefor moderators will remove posts that we deem to be worthless nonsense (i.e. a form of spam).

    2.8 years ago
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    If you want to share a photo you'll need to post it on a publicly accessible image sharing site. Google Photos isn't a good option.

    2.8 years ago
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    Do you have any specific questions? Here are some basics:

    • Wings generate lift (duh, right?)
    • Your center of mass needs to be forward of your center of lift to make your craft have stable pitch.
    • The angle that your wings are at when sitting on the runway needs to be slightly upward, so adjust your landing gear accordingly (otherwise you'll generate downforce).
    • Jet engines need tanks with jet fuel (duh, right?)
    • The front end of a jet engine needs clear line of sight forward, or you need an inlet with a clear line of sign forward.
    • Wings and fins will need control surfaces to give you pitch, yaw, and roll
    • Mirroring is your friend, but sometimes you need to tweak control surface settings.
    • Wings need to be exposed, not covered with other parts, although there are part settings that make it possible to have effective wings covered by other parts (which people do to make the wings look less blocky.

    This plane that I made has links to a series of unlisted crafts that were the steps throughout the build. However note I'm no expert, and this plane was created before cockpits and transparent parts were things.

    3.1 years ago
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    @Arstotzka definitely not. Thank your for the report. Your vigilance is appreciated.

    3.1 years ago
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    Hey @Arstotzka, I saw your report, however it looks like the Starship that was posted without appropriate predecessor link was removed, and I have fixed the link for the Droneship craft. As far as this forum post is concerned, I think new screen shots of existing craft in forum posts if fair use.

    3.1 years ago
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    This is permissible in the forum, but please make such craft unlisted so they don't clutter the craft feed.

    3.1 years ago
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    This looks like a common failure pattern for bad NVidia drivers:

    You might try completely uninstalling all video card drivers and any NVidia software, and then try reinstalling. You may also need to try specific driver versions to find one that works. Unfortunately I'm guessing you don't have a record of your exact driver version from before you upgraded to Windows 10 (and even if you do it may not work on Windows 10).

    3.3 years ago
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    Definitely looks like some kind of video card driver crash. @pedro16797 might be able to help decipher the crash log. You could manually turning down all the quality settings in your Settings.xml (found inside your home directory in AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2) file just to see if it helps, although it seems unlikely:

    <OverallQuality expanded="true" preset="VeryLow" />
    <Display expanded="true" resolution="2304x1440@59" fullscreen="false" refreshRate="1" anti-Aliasing="FXAA1" resolutionScale="1" mobileEmulation="None" />
    <Craft expanded="true" preset="Low" />
    <ImageEffects expanded="true" preset="Off" />
    <Map expanded="true" preset="Low" />
    <Physics expanded="true" preset="Low" />
    <Shadows expanded="true" preset="Off" />
    <Terrain expanded="true" preset="Low" />
    <VisualEffects expanded="true" preset="VeryLow" />
    <Water expanded="true" preset="Low" />

    3.3 years ago
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    @icannotfly That's correct. Since mods don't work on mobile I'm not aware of any way to copy the text that is output from Vizzy.

    3.3 years ago
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    Solving this problem is a big reason why the SR2Logger mod exists.

    3.3 years ago
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    @Tweedle_Aerospace can you share an example? Each time you receive a message in vizzy that spawns a thread, so if you make a lot of broadcasts and then the receivers loop or wait that could cause an issue.

    3.3 years ago
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    @KnightOfRen these sites are moderated independently, so this doesn’t officially apply there as far as I know. However the spirit of this policy still applies.

    3.3 years ago
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    @DOGOSPACE Technically, I did not remove your post. However, I believe the feeling was that your craft did not represent a serious effort and that it was posted merely as click/upvote bait. If you were to re-upload the craft with a title that is not is not "thanks for the points" clickbait my guess is that it would not get removed.

    3.4 years ago
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    FYI we're no longer allowing "thanks for the points" posts because they spam the forums.

    3.4 years ago
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    1. select the "active tool" aka "move part tool", i.e. the mouse cursor icon in the tool bar.
    2. Select the part you want to detatch
    3. Select the blue "part connections" button in the Move Part Tool Panel
    4. Click the unplug icon ("Removes all of this part's connections"). Or click the red X next to each existing connection.


    Hold the Ctrl key and Right Click and Drag the part that is the root of the group you wish to clone.

    3.4 years ago
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    The way I do it is take the East vector and rotate it by my desired inclination CCW around my position vector (which is "Up" relative to the surface of the planet), and then I multiply that by my calculated orbital velocity. This craft has custom expressions for doing vector rotations (as well as a ton of other stuff).

    3.4 years ago
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    @MansBestFriend people are welcome to release their crafts whenever they want. So if somebody wants to post a legitimate craft when they reach a particular points milestone I take no issue with that, nor with a note in the description, nor with markings on the craft. What I do take issue with is crafts pots and forum posts that have no redeeming value and are just 1) colored rectangles, 2) reposts of old crafts, or 3) would otherwise be considered spam/junk in the absence of the "thanks for the points" flare. For an example here is an older post that I wouldn't have removed because it was a totally new, legitimate aircraft that happened to have a "thank you for the points" (referring to a previously reached milestone) in the title (and didn't have any other points begging behavior like a bunch of tags).

    That said I still think this is a silly thing to do, and while I won't delete such things I continue to encourage everybody to refrain from obsessing about points.

    3.4 years ago