I just switched to using the steam version of SR2, but I cannot find out how to detach just one part from a craft. on the mobile version there was a hand tool that had a "detach part" option, but I cannot find out how to do it on the steam version.
also, how do I clone all of the parts in a group instead of just one part at a time



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    3,634 JSO18

    @SupremeDorian Thanks!

    3.3 years ago
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    As a much faster way to do what @sflanker suggested, if you want to move a part without moving its connected parts you can hold the CTRL key and then drag the part with left click. Also, if you hold left shift you can use the mouse to move the camera without worrying about moving any parts.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    3,634 JSO18

    @Doublehsh ok thanks

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    15.5k Hylo

    @JSO18 shell causes a different fuel tank/cargo bay/inlet to resize together with the other part. If you want to detatch a part from a different one (which is connected on shell and regular), I suggest you remove both

    3.3 years ago
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    3,634 JSO18

    @sflanker @Doublehsh I looked at the part connections panel, and it works, but there is always a regular connection and a 'shell' connection. I just take them both off, but what is the 'shell' connection?

    3.3 years ago
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    15.5k Hylo

    @sflanker @JSO18 or just right-click , hold in right mouse button, and drag the part to the desired location

    3.3 years ago
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    3,634 JSO18

    @sflanker thanks!

    3.3 years ago
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    Mod sflanker


    1. select the "active tool" aka "move part tool", i.e. the mouse cursor icon in the tool bar.
    2. Select the part you want to detatch
    3. Select the blue "part connections" button in the Move Part Tool Panel
    4. Click the unplug icon ("Removes all of this part's connections"). Or click the red X next to each existing connection.


    Hold the Ctrl key and Right Click and Drag the part that is the root of the group you wish to clone.

    3.3 years ago


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