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    So sad , to bad ... People come and go .. usually the good ones are not gone .. just taking breaks.. I understand a lot about loosing friends or they just leave sometimes... I don't really have many if more than a couple .. the important part of a friend is always keep them in your heart ❤️💜

    +5 3.2 years ago
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    I could do this, I'm on site a lot always checking out new stuff and comments anyway. I'd do a serious try in only if there is a possibility I can be used.. then but what about the points? From Upvotes?

    +5 3.4 years ago
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    Now everyone is scared to Upvote much at all .. this was definitely a good thing to post about , I'm glad mods are trying to keep quality posts on front pages .. as for some same always voting on certain builders.. I myself know certain builders have quality work no matter if I download or not.. I know their good.. so yes some builders do vote on each other's stuff.. but that's not always a cult thing.. it's just knowing who makes decent stuff . And like kirRu .. if they post something.. I know it's good.. and many many more such as...

    Thank you devs for trying to keep site clean of trash.. but not all is a cult voting thing.. that's maybe why we have a follow button.. to follow and see our favorite builders stuff and if I'm a fan of their stuff.. well I'll probably Upvote most of all they post when I notice it..

    +5 3.7 years ago
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    @Pedro do you not realize that I was like the only person closest to 50 years old that plays this game or played this game and what would have happened if I actually really did go off and got all the schools in Oklahoma involved in this game for technology classes and on your server for Discord do you really didn't ever think about that I could have got all the schools involved using this game in this app through science technology education, stem ... I could help this game and I was a nobody and nothing to you or anybody else except I was just a player and I even talked to jundro and they said sure I can go promote that they're not going to do anything for me it's like why should I help you if you're not going to help me .. out of all my hours building , and sharing, and discord chats. I put out more than I received , for sure .. I was not treated fairly in the community of this game or by the people running this game

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    Idk but I feel there is a conspiracy going between sr2 player's, new sr2 player's and dev's ... Their like , being very much like they preach against. They still Upvote as devs and stuff to their old friends that's been on here as long makes great looking stuff . But flies like trash.. they don't understand you can't sell broken items that even looks good, but they promote them being false advertising.. thank you for making , and sharing tho.. but this is drama , to much for what this game is .... In all reality, I liked sharing my building.. but if I don't feel anyone cares . Then that ruins it all.. well wouldn't everyone?? We all sucked at first to... So run peps off before they get good??? Idk .. management sucks .. especially here on this site , promote it just because it looks good on your page and was taken with high end computer graphics.. I got a PHONE!! THATS ALL.. but my builds are not getting the votes as they was , or ya SRM. That got in trouble for spamming votes.. at least they gave a reason to keep playing and sharing and get better.. it was curtious , like an addaboy rather than it's a greatest build.. heck , if their new and made something ok ish.. , Give them darn credit for it.. don't be an selfish i"s nit .'"". (American slang for poop... . and all I got to thank is this post .. matter of fact on sr2 discord supreme is dev to. Was in chat letting others talk about men's genitals vulgarly , said I was out of topic when I uploaded a pic of a creation.. and now who was really off topic and I got In trouble. I don't like how I been treated by your devs firstly.. and second I don't like how they try to ruin fun if feeling we made something special even if not.. it's depressing and down right , a reason to take my stuff off and stop sharing.. I can't judge this site by few peps or things .. Andrew did something great here . And it don't need to be running off Peps that PAID FOR THIS GAME TO PLAY AND SHARE PERIOD!!

    @AndrewGarrison not focused to you but ya you might like to look at what I did write

    +3 3.5 years ago
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    I hope it has same minimum requirements to run on devices

    +3 4.0 years ago
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    Nice story line added , plus a little bit of Humor

    +2 3 months ago
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    I wonder if all these would be all in one game in future. Simple planes and juno as one game . Just add all the data of simple planes into juno . Would be a better all in one than separate plus it would make community one big community instead of separate. Merge is good ?? Cant wait for simple planes #2 tho. Thats gonna be awesome 👍

    +2 7 months ago
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    @Ruzena87 it's also free on Google play pass btw folks

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    I'm running android . Motorola G stylus. I can run crafts download from site . Up to 1800 parts running good. . I use budget phone . My phone is something you can find for 50$. - 150$ .. .

    I have zero issues making crafts and playing on mobile.. I do keep part count low as in few hundred on most so others can use old devices and can download something cool still . If there are any requests. I'm one of few that actually cares .
    Fly to the moon and back with love

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    I'm done here . No more comments here from me . I'm sorry it got this far even. So let's go ahead and please stop asking or comments back on this about me. This post @Pedro made was never about me. I'm sorry it seemed I tried to make it like such. That was never my intention

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @ChanceTHEBOSSXD never said now shorter because of. Said I have to live the rest of my short life. Delt with so much drama . Stress. And harassment. . No they aren't forcing everyone to discord. But . . You either may or may not be new . And may be or may not exactly know everything I'm talking about. But yes. It puts a message out in here sr2 site . That join or be a nobody forever.. join and be part of this off campus where anything can happen.. jundroo says they take no responsibility for what happens on discord.. but your saying to everyone it's ok to go there tho. Promote something on this site that you can't control... If you heard everything I have in discord.. not all games are like that.. everyone here puts everything else down.. every builder in there has the biggest ego trips and cuts everything else down .. and the numbers is like 15-20 ego headed bullies. Basically.. maybe not bullies completely. But the criticism in there is horrible.. I have 3 kids 18 and under.. I know what it's like in schools .. maybe you need a better country or state to live in

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    You shouldn't make it like that. I understand you said you can't do anything like that here . But you keep luring kids to that basically evil place they all gather and talk bad about each other .. really shouldn't send other people's Kids to such a dark place in the internet.. I'm a parent. If you disagree. Then you haven't delt with enough parents then . Lol


    Answer to Is Discord okay for children? by Astrid https://www.quora.com/Is-Discord-okay-for-children/answer/Astrid-605?ch=15&oid=351160132&share=94b06c0e&srid=7sYOE&target_type=answer

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a broad term used to group together these academic disciplines. This term is typically used to address an education policy or curriculum choices in schools. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns (as a shortage of STEM-educated citizens can reduce effectiveness in this area) and immigration policy.[1]

    There is no universal agreement on which disciplines are included in STEM; in particular whether or not the science in STEM includes social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, economics, and political science. In the United States, these are typically included by organizations such as the National Science Foundation, (NSF)[1] The National Science Foundation deals with all matters concerning science and new discoveries in science as it affects development, research, and innovations[2]. the Department of Labor's O*Net online database for job seekers,[3] and the Department of Homeland Security.[4] In the United Kingdom, the social sciences are categorized separately and are instead grouped together with humanities and arts to form another counterpart acronym HASS (Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences), rebranded in 2020 as SHAPE (Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts for People and the Economy). @AndrewGarrison @pedro . I'm trying to help this be part of school technology classes through the STEM grant . Have you done any this already ? If not . Why not ... Or is this already part of this program I'm talking about.. isnt there grants your company should get for this ?

    +2 2.5 years ago
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    Pedro for president shirts on sale now .. lol. .. ((Space Junkie Simulator.)).. ((Astronomical Space sim, Complete sandbox )).. .. ( Build a Space Story) .. space story , A complete sandbox.. ((Space Engineers SIM))) .. well anyways . Idk why I'm trying to help someone that doesn't even like me or want to hear anything from me lol. But Pedro for president..

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    Updated the name of the Astronauts to Droods, and changed their description,. Did you change the drood not being its own full command chip, For AG sake and other reasons? I haven't logged into game a while, and I rather not talk why here , but it's not un known..

    Once you make this game co-op .. people will stop competing and stop the I'm better than you thing that's always going on here... Multi player co-op would bring people together closer .. rather than companies vs companies like attitudes . Make it family that's not always fighting among each other . And knocking every other person down . . I mean , if you don't see it or care . Then then nothing will ever change in this game @pedro

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    @pianoplane you don't know if srm legit likes whet they Upvote or not.. it's not your place to decide that either.. some players gets Upvotes because not just the item . But the fact maybe they just do quality stuff,, either looks quality or it works better than the good looking stuff.. I've seen more crap with 29-40 Upvotes that looks awesome but doesn't work worth a darn... Quality is around even if it may not seem so.. suggestion is actually download it and try it out if even remotely interesting.. I have junk.. I have decent.. and I have epic.. so sometimes.. the builder is getting credit, from just by having made great stuff and they do deserve some acknowledgement of doing so... I have stuff that's way better in working wise but looks ok.. and see awesome looking builds but doesn't fly.. now .. what's the point if it doesn't work?

    +2 3.5 years ago
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    I like making original stuff.. it's a nice feeling when I create something nice and new ... I am totally with you on this

    +2 3.7 years ago
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    Amazing Customer Support,, THANK You Dev's

    +2 4.0 years ago
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    Definitely, a guide id half follow. Why . Because I'm just xionmass . Great guide. And completely a must for getting the best results and attention. Unless your an old fart like me and just do whatever anyways. I do try . And follow some this anyways. But for the general seasoned players. This is only way to get anywhere in game site wise . I approve this fot sure. But I wouldn't be myself if I didn't say something out of wack it add.. love ya cardz!! Always a great builder and aways trying to improve quality with in the players.

    +1 10 months ago
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    A lot of new players and more to come . All welcome to the creative world of Juno , where only your imagination is the limits

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    Question. So the celebration is for new buyers . ? New players .. not about but for .. what about all the already existing players .. there must be a better way to celebrate, btw .. Juno is free on Google play with Google play pass .. but nobody ever has mentioned that .. well I just did . :) lol

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @Pedro hey. That post I mentioned you on. I was able to delete after all. It was my browser on phone not loading. Meshing the option bar with load image of craft or something. I just opened in different browser and fixed. I try to only share legit issues if I do run across. Sorry 😔

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    April Fool's day . It's Open komodo Dragon Season. Fav mod ? No . You deleted and harassed me way much . Not picking. But if any day I could .. it should be today.. unfortunately , I am monitored overly compared to some that's gotten away with slaughter basically on this site . Well Happy Easter 🐇 is a better Holiday.. Enjoy them Easter Eggs

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    I didn't know the post . Or paid any attention. It's off on it's own. Like me lol . I had my own off and on issues. But seriously never seen this. I also don't go to forums to look around either. I'm sorry you left . But glad you're hanging out again

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @Ozziexe oh . Start with YouTube video on how to build . Try a user called mclovinspace on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/live/2cwJinrtmFc?feature=share

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @Ozziexe hi welcome to Jundroo. Where most don't care about noobs except me . I support others work .. what do you do?? Lol . And I'm the bad guy ? Wow . Others ignore and complain.. this sites community is twisted . Lol not me.. not meaning what do you do personally.. but to all the rest of the Advent players that's been here a while

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital I'm not against it. I'm just pointing it out . No way it can mean anything else.. nobody knows what a Dab is. And yes you can look it up. It's a hot sauce. Nobody knows about. It's more known as THC Dabs

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    It's one thing when a player speaks out it's another story when it's a parent over children safety and health concerns . Because what all happened to me in 2 years in sr2 discord. I wish on nobody. It was so hard on my life. Depression super time . And other . My mom 78 years old is a gamer . Perfect world . 20 years. She knows all I been through to . Suggests a class action through court in Washington.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @Pedro in my defense I was bullied there and I was banned for sticking up for myself and others. Not for being a bully . But if you want to call that Toxic? Idk if your confused or something. Tbh there is a lot of legal issues that happened on discord. And jundroo sr2 site keeps pointing kids or young adults that direction.. you have no real way to monitor age in there . They can be 12 and say their legal age to be on discord. You don't realize the ground your stepping on when you direct kids to a place like that . They cut down others a lot in there for their work and crafts . It's the opposite of encouragement. It's a disappointment. I know a lot in there . You can't police them all. And when issues do happen. Jundroo say they can't do anything.. why lead them from jundroo site but can't really control them . Look what they did to me . And seriously how much I've suffered in 2.3 years. It takes me several months to get over each time . Me speaking out . Gets me banned . Oh they say . Take it to a thread . That doesn't work either. Same results of censorship. I got to much criticism and hasslement. Everywhere on Discord. You all are trying to give an old man a stroke!!

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @CaptinD2 the upvotes is so important to some . It helps them to keep motivated. I've helped many just by my attention alone in these circumstances

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital yes . The planes with 30 updates can fly clunky lol 🤣 it was based off looks . And pics to make site main page look best it can. Even devs was involved. Nothing in particular but has happened a lot of times actually so no need to point out just one

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    @NVKcars sorry. I've had some rude players harass me before in the past lol. . Everythings good

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @NVKcars I don't say I do everything here . This is not a how to by me , but was a post place to conversation about it . Thank you for your interest.. but It seems I post a craft once to twice a week about every four days. I been working on a larger project thats taking much longer . on side lines While I do other things along way. Actual crafts that is

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital look how the band ghost writes a song , it's a cool vid on YouTube .. Ghost writing

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital I was thinking last night the same why the panels have two Connect points not 4 . Was because they weigh nothing almost. You I think is right . Will be spammed , everything will be all panels afterwards. But still . I want 4 point connect panels for myself.. I know how to make them 4 point connect. Use very thin round tank cross on to a perfect square piece . Save as a sub part . This is a new technique I worked on. Not made a public craft yet . But tested my theory

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital now this subject I take more to. Everything here is more important to me than fuel lines . That's not exactly important. But these I feel can be

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    To mod is good . But make sure their actually being fare ,. I've had mods take stuff down of mine , just for speaking my mind . I try not to degrade or belittle .. my rants have been mostly how I was treated , which in turn , made me look worse because I was ranting.. I've learned a lot in the two years of playing this game, a lot about the community and system.. votes are good to. It gives us something to work better towards.. and shows what others like .. everything about this game is great .. but just as of anything. It still needs Polish then It will be a shinny diamond . @Pedro I do thank you for the times you have talked to me as a human and adult conversation.. you did help even tho you may feel you didn't much . The new mods at the time was like any other new person on the job. Over doing it sorta / and focused on me a lot. Yes I was in a bad category , but some the kids did harass me

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    The skills and stuff that I have learned from simple Rockets is how to promote a company business, how to improve designs and problem solve, lots about space, and design is everything. Also learned trying to make something look as real as possible making the best pictures of it and promoting it as best as possible... So I've taken all these things that I've learned within a year and a half two years on simple Rockets into Hot Wheels, because actually I'm running races I have to run and make a like a racing team so that's similar I'm making dioramas so making models and to make it look realistic that's similar, and then taking realistic pictures, there's a lot of similarity of me going into the Hot Wheels Hobby and simple Rockets too ends up being a very good change but I would like to have both, best of both worlds .. this game helps teach important skills . But dog eat dog world is to realistic especially for a kid game ... You and some others underestimate the power of word of mouth in united states'

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    Can astronauts be it's very own complete command chip . All AG control and everything just as if it was a chip and no need for a chip or command . Attachment point for fuel tanks instead just a chair would be nice also

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    Is there going to be any merge in future . Like update simple planes building room to be more user friendly like simple rockets on parts building ? I bought simple planes recently. I prefer simple rockets 2 building

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    Jundroo will have to in the end not promote kids to their discord site because the online abuse that happens there, and face most likely court over it .. and Pedro is an employee of jundroo that promotes it from here

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    I'm definitely no candidate, but on this site .. I'm actually ok and nice, discord maybe difference,. But I doubt the devs like me that much LoL

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    Can we have more how to get to planets and rendezvous to a station even to? To get to planets right is important to know

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @017b I will start a new plane ,/ I have crazy stuff loaded , over loaded.. even with Cruze missiles.. hell my joe tiger Force has 22 weapons on it

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @017b sounds great!!!

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @Hannah1212 oh . Ya .. I do love High Altitude Planes , That Can be turned into a further . Actual space plane.. I was on the tracks of that , got a few high alt planes made , attempted to make one fully capable.. .. I'll use my experience I learned from the research from making those and further my efforts into actual space planes .. Thank you Hannah

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    I got a code you can work on if you like? It needs fixing.. but warning... It is SUPER advanced coding.. the vizzy broken after 9.5 update.. are you up to seeing what Im talking about?

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    About time you posted this lol. I been needing to figure it out for a long time now

    +1 4.0 years ago