This is our second update since we entered Early Access. We are still focusing on bug fixes, but we did add the Delta-V display in the designer, which has been very highly requested. If you want to help us decide on what to do next, make sure you vote on the stuff on the Roadmap!


  • Added Delta-V, TWR, and Burn Time information to the designer. It can be toggled on/off with the button in the top right of the Staging Editor.
  • Improved craft switching in the Map View to not require the flight scene to reload when the craft is nearby.
  • Upgrading to 2018.2.15f1
  • Photo library now automatically selects the Camera Roll album when opened.
  • Smoothly transition camera back to craft when clicking RECENTER button in flight.


  • Increased the buoyancy of the command pod
  • Fixed a bug that would cause docked crafts to spin.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause crafts to appear to randomly disappear during flight.
  • Fixed a bug where RCS would stop working when the center of mass became very close to the nozzles.
  • Fixed bug occasionally teleporting crafts with wheels when tire tracks are disabled.
  • Fixed a bug that caused planets to look jittery during warp.
  • Fixed a bug with symmetry that could lead to errors in the designer.
  • Fixed a bug that could make a sandbox unplayable if it was unable to load a single craft from file.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause errors when undoing or redoing a step in the designer.
  • Fixed the texturing on the checkered parachute
  • Reset the Enable Auto Rotation flag to true every time the player enters the designer in case they accidentally disabled it and don't understand why they can't connect parts anymore.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented time-warp when the craft was stationary on the ground.
  • Fixed bug where target information can become incorrect for burn nodes far into the future.
  • Fixed a bug that broke reentry effect visuals when a part has been mass scaled to zero.
  • Fixed a bug where the altitude would become too big to display at very high altitudes.
  • Fixed a bug where the rotation direction became backwards when the camera was looking at the craft upside down.
  • Fixed a bug where the center of thrust was not updated when changing an engine's Fuel Consumption.
  • Fixed a bug where the fuselage gizmos would not show up after cloning a fuel tank.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the UI to disappear after taking a photo.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing bug reports generated during challenges to not reflect the true state of the player's sandbox.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow parts of a craft to hover in the air after the craft was destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where the the Upload Craft would fail if the player had changed the stage activation type of a non-engine to Engine. Not sure why a player would do that, but Kevin did.
  • Reduced wing area threshold when determining if the wing should have physics enabled or not from 0.25m^2 to 0.15m^2.

25 Items

52 Show DeltaV in Designer
7 RCS stops working in space after the center of mass becomes very close to the nozzles
6 Unlimited Fuel
6 Lower the minimal distance to center of mass for rotational RCS
5 Command pod sinks in water
5 Changing fuel consumption doesn't change CoT visualizer in the designer
5 Graphical glitch with re-entry effects where it appears to be missing pixels
2 Sandbox becomes unplayable when unable to load other active (non-player) crafts from file
2 Craft suddenly disappears or changes position during flight
2 Random force applied that causes docked crafts to start spinning in orbit
2 Checkered style parachute texturing is messed up
2 Symmetry doesn't work after moving a part
2 Above a certain altitude, left/right camera rotation is backwards sometimes
2 Rocket hovers above the ground after its command chip explodes
1 Timed Orbit Challenge Missing Condition
1 Docking port breaks of after slow motion
1 Can't Warp When Stationary with this craft
1 Stage Groups are upside down
1 Sometimes icons disappear when take a photo
0 Attachment Points not working
0 Parts stuck after dragging into editor
0 Small wings are not receiving lift forces
0 Cannot upload craft
0 Right-Click-Copy of Fuel Tank Doesn't Open Gizmos Upon Placing.
0 Overlapping HUD Elements when getting into 9 digits altitude


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  • Profile image
    3,242 Chancey21

    When will 6.7.0 be released? I see many new features are added :) @AndrewGarrison

    5.4 years ago
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    Is there an undock command I'm missing?

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    508 Shibe

    however it would be very difficult to find all the buttons to use, like, would throttle be holding a trigger, and detachment is a button? But flying would be easy it’s building I’d be concerned about because there is so many things to do that you might need to use button-combos. But that’s up to the devs...

    5.4 years ago
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    130 Paper

    yeah ive always wanted a console version..
    makeing dummies more useful @Shibe

    5.4 years ago
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    508 Shibe

    Will we ever see a console release? Or it just a dead dream? @AndrewGarrison

    5.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Is there a spot where you enter the code?

    5.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Can you at least answer the following: Can it be found during gameplay?

    5.4 years ago
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    just wondering when is the campaign going to come out (relatively)

    5.4 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian I wish I could, but I swore on mein leben that I would not give any hints!

    5.4 years ago
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    @Klosskopf Thanks for letting me know! That's terrible! As a workaround, you can still force the loading screen by switching crafts and then do a Quick Save and Quick Load. I will need to look into this more. Would it be possible for you to submit a bug report so I can track this?

    5.4 years ago
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    2,443 Klosskopf

    @AndrewGarrison For example my Curiosity rover. Before the update it was possible to activate the rope.
    It seems to be related to the seemless transition between crafts. With a loading screen the rope can be activated by a second command chip.

    5.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Just a little hint?

    5.4 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian I don't want to ruin the fun, so you'll have to find it!

    5.4 years ago
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    @Klosskopf That is how it works by design. Rotators are wired up to a single command pod/chip. What are you trying to do exactly? We have considered the idea of adding a master/slave setting so you can change command pods and enable master mode, so all other command pods will listen to the master and repeat its roll, pitch, yaw, etc inputs.

    5.4 years ago
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    2,443 Klosskopf

    @AndrewGarrison Is it a bug or a feature that rotators no longer work after switching the craft?
    Seems like they are now bound to one specific comand chip
    That bricks most of my rockets

    5.4 years ago
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    @Caveman999 It was a theory. Nothing definite. Figured it would be somewhere in the game files, but it seems that isn't the case.

    5.4 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian Didn't you think you knew where it could be?

    5.4 years ago
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    Since I'm the first commenter, how about you give me a hint to the unlimited fuel code's whereabouts?

    5.4 years ago


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