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    @TronicOrbital there's also a bunch of people who've just moved on with life in general. A lot of us are in college or have jobs and families to deal with, so it means less time for games and forums. Plus, a lot of people(myself included) can't stick with just one game for too long before we're burned out, so I end up splitting my free time between a few different games depending on how I feel/what I'm doing.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    I believe everything is 15 points per upvote with the exception of forums and videos as stated previously. Suggestions/bug reports obviously don't receive points because the former requires minimal effort, and the latter is just good feedback from player testing, both of which are more directly linked with the development process than any other categories.

    Look at the breakdown of points/upvoted per post on your profile page to see exactly how many points each type of post receives.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    That's a pretty major improvement! The original looks pretty good, but the detail on the new one blows it away. Great job

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Lol welcome to the club! We're green, but not with envy!

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @OmniExplorationDivision You can undo a break in the code if you design your program to start back at the beginning of that loop somehow(there's a few ways to do this either with broadcast or custom expressions. You could also do it based off user input like AGs). Granted though, it might not be worth the effort depending on what you're code is supposed to do

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    I'd give it a shot, but I'm not that good with MFDs yet... I can do a lot with vizzy, but for some reason I haven't figured those out yet. I might still try to do something with this since I like your diagram and what it displays is useful for a number of things. Maybe I could use it as an excuse to learn how to make MFDs for once lol

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Looking good! I actually completely forgot there was even a rocket that did that until you started working on this! It also explains where ULA got the idea for recovering the first stage engines off Vulcan.

    You've also gotten pretty good at framing your shots, although I think the first pic would be slightly better if the entire sun was in frame. It's still a great shot of the craft itself though, so I'm kinda just nitpicking lol

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @RocketMan167 Agreed! I don't think you could get a more perfect photo for that

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed never played KSP (although I want to just to compare it to SR2 and finally know what all the fuss is about). Supposedly, they've been working on a mobile version of KSP for the last 2-3 years now, but I still haven't seen any announcements about that since they first mentioned it back then. Either it turned out to be too hard to implement on most devices, or they realized that they'd be competing more heavily with games like SR2 and SFS and decides to just keep the status quo as is. Idk though

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @astrojethro also, I completely forgot to say thanks! I really appreciate your feedback 😅

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @astrojethro because it's easier than setting a variable to a value. A variable is also meant to change, while an expression isn't(only the inputs/outputs do), so it's better suited for values that don't change. It also helps with organization since I don't have to look for a completely different kind of block every time I use it

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Lol the phone looks good, but I don't think anyone will want to drag it around with them. Not that they *could" anyway XP

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Looks pretty good! I like the use of the panels as support legs, it's a nice touch. Makes it feel more like a real mock-up. Keep up the good work 👍

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    What version are you on? 0.9.800 or 0.9.900? They released a new beta version recently so that might be the cause of the issue. Or it's the internet connection(although I see that as less likely if your internet is still working

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Everyone who agrees with this post should upvote the suggestion linked by @wwwNews777com below so the devs know it's something we want! Thanks!

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    It's really not that easy to find the information you're looking for. There's plenty of websites that talk about the atmospheric pressure on Titan, but that's not the same as it's density.

    Titan's atmospheric pressure is about 1.5 atmospheres or 147kPa, but Titan itself is much smaller (and less dense) than earth, so the atmosphere must be denser to account for the loss of gravity.

    I couldn't find a useful way to convert pressure to density in the proper units, but after some more digging, I found a reasonable source to confirm that Titan's atmospheric density is around 10-12 kg/m³ at "sea level".

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed lol 🕸️🧠🕸️

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Yeah. I've tried to contact him a few times, but no luck so far...

    I haven't quite finished the pic yet, but it's basically IAAR stylized like: I∆VR (except with an upside down A instead of V)

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    @Staticalliam7 ahhh makes sense. Now I gotta pester @Chtite451SR2 to let me in. 🙃

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Under part properties, choose a part style(texture) that isn't symmetrical(camouflage is probably best) and set the x and y scales to 1000 or more(to get the smallest texture scale possible) then use the paint tool to choose dulled metal or rust colors for each trim and primary color of the part. Maybe try to use a combination of matte and metallic colors to give the impression of worn/oxydized metal

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Check all your part connections first. It might take a while because it can be a fairly large list to check, but it could just be something connected to the wrong spot or not connected at all despite appearing to be connected properly. If that's not it, then you want to check part collisions which will probably take about as much time. If collisions are on or off on the wrong part, then it could cause wierd stuff to happen too. If that's still not it, then you might need to redesign the whole thing because the games physics are weird sometimes when you have large and intricate crafts

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Assuming that you could somehow reverse the orientation of earth's orbit(to make it retrograde), the simple answer is:

    short term: not very much. From a basic physics standpoint, nothing would really change.

    Long term: eventually, the gravity from the other planets would cause a harmonic displacement of earth's orbit. Basically, the gravity of Jupiter and the other planets that have a measurable effect on earth's orbit would slowly warp our orbit into a highly eccentric ellipse over the course a millions-billions of years, and eventually earth would crash into something else or get flung out the solar system at escape velocity

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    I don't trust my jets either... You just gotta continue improving your designs so that one day, you can trust your jets 🥸

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @DareDevilSpaceAgency I like "Spacity" and "Frontier Space"(space is the "final frontier" after all). SpaCITy could potentially stand for "Space Colonization and Investigation Technologies" or something similar to that.

    My suggestion for a unique name follows the naming convention of my own companies: when I first started playing, it was hard to find an original name, and I probably spent about a week going through various names and versions of names. Eventually I settled on Orbital Insertion Technologies since that perfectly described the purpose of the company without including "aerospace" or anything too similar to wither irl companies or people's accounts on the site. Originally(and my old save file still shows it), I abbreviated it to OIT, but that just doesn't have the ring to it that names like SpaceX and iSpace do. Then it dawned on me: Orbit Tech or OrbiTech which quickly lead me to OrbITech as it stands now. It turns out, there used to be an irl company called Orbitech that was in the field of rocket engine manufacturing, but they went out of business in the 90's, so I don't have to worry about people thinking I'm just copying their name like the dozens of "SpaceX" copycats on this site. My other company, the IRS, started off as the International Rocket Surgeons, but I eventually decided to rename it to International Rocket-surgery Syndicate to both differentiate the name and better describe the business without changing the acronym used.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    I'm sorry, but I'm confused by this... I understand the basic idea here, but there's a pretty large language barrier that makes it very hard to understand the details of your idea. It's a great concept, don't get me wrong, but I feel like it would be hard to implement like you described, and would be better off as a mod or something

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @Staticalliam7 lol

    Yeah, idk what I did, but I set my video to "premiere" on youtube like I normally do, and for some reason when I click on the embed either here or reddit, it says "This event has ended" and doesn't play the video. My dumbass then deleted the video post on this site thinking I could reupload it and try again, but apparently the site still thinks it exists because the link is the same, so it sends me to the "This post may have been deleted/had it's name changed, etc" page and refuses to let me fix it or change it. I guess I could reupload the video to YT, but it was a lot of hassle to upload the video in the first place(using it studio for last minute edits/music)

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    Little bit of both? Idk, I've played on relatively low tier devices and still had minimal issues with higher part counts. Yeah, the game gets slow, but never enough to make the game unenjoyable. I've also played on higher end devices and can assure you that the game is just well optimized in general, since even ridiculously high settings with high part counts doesn't make much of a difference then

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    Try the [While()] block without anything in the empty bubble and use [If(AGL>{whatever AGL the craft is at while grounded}) Then] followed by an [else if(AGL>15000) then] [Break]. The while loop will continue to run indefinitely once it's started, even with the (bubble) empty, but will only start during the specified conditions. The [if()then] block is the start of whatever process you want to do, everything after that is up to you. The [else if()then] is how you set where(or when) you want the code to stop repeating itself, and the [Break] block ends any any ongoing while loops(only if it's nested in that particular loop). Basically you want the while loop to break at a certain AGL, so just use [else if()then] with a [break], and any parts of code after that will also work just fine without weird interference

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @AverageJoe "Ahhhhhh, I see," said the blind man as he peed into the wind, "it all comes back to me now!"

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    Well, I've used Gravatar and WordPress before(WordPress is the host for Gravatar), and never had any issues. In fact, I had to learn how to use both sites in school where they had really good web filters, etc, to keep us away from untrustworthy sites and such. Personally I have no problems with either site, and actually find it useful to have the accounts on them(You can basically host your own webpage for free using the two sites).

    That being said, I also understand why it would be easier(and potentially safer) to just use this site for everything and not have to use another site just to have a profile picture

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    You know, that could also be very helpful with wings, propellers, and some other stuff too. Imagine if you could place a wing, then "twist" it down the length to give you a varied angle of attack like most real wings. Or propellers/rotor blades that twist. Definitely something I've been wanting in this game!

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    Yeah, I've been wondering myself how I'm supposed to make certain shapes. If I could just place half a nose come at a time, that would be great. You can do a lot with the part shape tool, but it doesn't do everything. If you drop the corner radius of two sides on a fuel tank, you can make an almost half cylinder(it's more like 2/3 of one with a flat side), but doing the same to a nose come only gives you an off center cone shape, not half a cone... I have more experience with CAD/CAM and 3d modelling software like Blender which makes it difficult for me to get used to designing stuff in this game because it's counterintuitive.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    RIP Jay Amatsy lol It's a great story though, so may the history books remember it!

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    I entered this post without upvoting and never received my free rickroll... I'm a little sad and have to admit that I'm dissatisfied with this company's services. I regret to have to inform you that I'll be taking my business elsewhere as there's much better purveyors of the vaunted "Rick Roll" that actually deliver. Good day to you sire! 🧐

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Interesting dilemma... I've been having similar issues myself. Planes just don't like to work for me even when I do everything right. Especially prop engine planes. Supposedly you can just use wings to make propellers, but nothing seems to work. Either the prop spins uselessly and I maybe get 1m/s acceleration if I'm lucky, or it invokes the Kraken and my plane ends up hypersonic within 5 seconds. No amount of adjustment or tinkering fixes it, despite the claims that "it's easy. You just make small wings and angle them about 45° off the hub, no tinker panel needed". I gave up after awhile and just went with a turbofan engine to save myself a massive headache.

    I also have the ridiculous problem where I build a craft(usually a rocket or "missile") and because I put a single wing-like surface on it, the game suddenly decides it's an "airplane" despite clearly not having the control setup for that. I tried to make a UGM/RGM/AGM-84 (Turbojet powered sea skimming long range Anti-Ship missile with "wings" for stability and lift at lower speeds since it's subsonic), and the game refuses to let me fly it like a rocket which ruins it's ability to fly correctly. I even tried using a normal rocket engine to see if it was the Turbojet confusing the game, but that didn't work either...

    Also, as a side note, if you want somewhat realistic looking wings without messing with the flight characteristics/controls too much, you can use the part shape tool to "flatten" a fuel tank and adjust the angles to have a wing-like cross section. You can make shorter wing segments and use the [add section] feature to extend the wing's length as you go without adding new parts or cloning plus you can adjust the size/shape/angles of each section all in one go. Now, place your "fake" wing on your craft and attach a "real" wing as close as possible. Using translate and rotate, you can hide the wing inside the "wing" to get a functional wing surface since the game doesn't apply lift to any parts that aren't "wings"(Technically a fuel tank will produce lift in the right situation, but it's a result of drag vectors, not an actual "lift" force like wings produce). Control surfaces might be hard to implement short of leaving the standard wing control surface slightly outside the trailing edge of the "wing" although it still looks kinda bad because of the body wing shape.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Honestly, I'm not even sure this is an appropriate topic for this site... Not only is it a venture into NSFW territory, but i also don't see what it has to do with SimpleRockets in any way...

    That being said I'll try to address your misinformed preconceptions in a "family friendly" way.

    1) No, most furries don't wear a fursuit all day. In fact, if you do, you're either a Broadway actor or someone with severe identity issues.

    2) Being a "furry" doesn't just mean that you dress up like your favorite animal. It's more of an "adult fantasy" kind of thing that you do "in the bedroom" and definitely not "in public". If you want to dress up like that in public, then you should look into cosplay instead as it's more socially appropriate.

    3) Just because someone wears a clip on tail and some cat ears doesn't make them a furry. Neither does "identifying" as an animal. Or dressing up like a sports team mascot... There's more to it than that.

    4) I suggest that you do some more research on something before you ask a question like this in the future. It would save you a good bit of time and headache as well as making my life easier by not seeing things like this and having no choice but to address it. You could've spent 5 minutes on google and found all the answers you needed, but instead came here with a subject that probably shouldn't even be mentioned in this site at all... Some things to think about i guess 🤔

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Hmmmmm... Is there supposed to be something here? This is the second post by this account with a non-informative name and nothing else. Is this a spambot or something?

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    I mean, it's not like nobody here likes war, we just don't want to start one unnecessarily. The rhetoric used is more like that of MAD-- "we don't want to blow up the world, but we will if you make us".

    And if you're bored with the game then try to make up some kind of ridiculous challenge. Or make something that hasn't been made before. Or upgrade something someone else made. Or create your own campaign mode to play through. Idk, but if you can't find a solution, then maybe this isn't the game for you(this is coming from someone who has themself been bored of this game and gotten out of it)

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @Schaden As cool as that sounds, I have close ties to Chtite451SR2 (not only am I employed by him, we have various business arrangements to maintain), and so have to decline the offer to develop weapons which may (or may not) be used against him. Also, I have no desire to annihilate Droo, however, I will defend it at all costs!

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @PasonJawulo np! And if there's anything I've learned from studying animation(both 2d and 3d), it's that the details are irrelevant (and generally unnecessary) as long as everything else works right. There's no point in rendering every little detail on a model that you'll never be close enough to even see the details on anyway. I think what makes your replica so great is the fact that you've included nearly everything that makes Starship what it is without wasting time on the details that don't affect functionality and probably wouldn't be noticed by most observers anyway. In the world of engineering, the go to ideology is "what can I take away from this without negatively affecting my design" as opposed to "what can I add to this to make it better".

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Something I notice isn't mentioned(at least not directly) is that if your craft is behind the body in question, then you'll get a relative boost in speed. If you're craft is ahead of the body, then you'll lose speed relatively. If used in the right combination, you can maneuver across the system with a minimal amount of ∆v regardless of the destination

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Not sure, but I can help look into it. I'd be interested to know how this goes, since that would help me with a few ideas I've had

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    "I... CAN'T EVEN!..."

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @mambamambo69 Beat me to it! Thanks for the good answer, but it does help if you use a clickable link(yes you can do that in comments, just no pictures or gifs for some reason)

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    @seventeen lol it's cool. And yeah, I'm not trying to rush anything, I'd rather take a few more weeks or months to perfect my designs and learn vizzy a bit more(I'm surprising myself with how much I've managed to learn so far). The Sounding Rocket I posted recently was just a small piece of a larger project(I thought it might be easier to practice programming a simpler rocket before trying to do it with my main rockets I've been working on. Before all that though, I've found a few designing/programming projects that I can take advantage of to hone my skills along the way.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX just make sure that the jammer is set to raspberry!

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    First off, it's a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse, so the video just doesn't make any sense at all simply from that point. Then, of course, it's just a poorly rendered model of the moon moving across the sky and rotating(somehow the sun moves with it too) waaaay too fast and close to the ground.

    Have you even seen a lunar eclipse before? Because I've seen quite a few, and they don't look anything like that video. And they happen at night, not daytime lol

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @seventeen exactly why my phone has trouble. It can handle max physics just fine, but higher graphics tank my frame rate! I can't wait to try it out on my pc though and see this game in it's full glory!

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 @HermesE lol I'm working on this as fast as I can, but I have very little time because of work, and other stuff I gotta take care of.

    IRS is my second SR2 company, but it's a little different than others. It's meant to be a cooperative organization of various seperate companies to fill the gaps in design and development left by the other guys(kinda like ULA but not limited to aerospace). I'd like to create an organization that can be contracted out for various projects that can't be done by other people/companies, as well as revolutionizing the development of non aerospace technologies(stuff like cars, mass transit, support infrastructure, etc). I'll flesh out the details a bit more, but I'm still working on it.

    And now that I have the app, I can work on some Discord servers(one for me/my YT, one for OrbITech, and one for IRS)

    +1 3.2 years ago