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    i think there is a minimum number of points needed to post images...it was 100 points, but im not sure if that is still accurate

    2.6 years ago
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    @SPATEL - no problem, glad to hear that it is working!

    2.7 years ago
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    @SPATEL - if you open settings, and click the "quality" - there is a "craft" section with "detail textures" - i think medium or high setting should make them show up

    2.7 years ago
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    i think your settings might be on "low", if the textures arent showing up - the different textures work the same on mobile or windows

    2.7 years ago
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    there is not, it would be very helpful for alot of situations though

    2.7 years ago
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    @AstroAerospace - hmmm, only other thing i can think of is set the right/left wheel motors to variable inputs, (throttle+yaw) and (throttle-yaw)...like a skidsteer(along with the turning wheels), probably wouldnt need much to make a difference. might need adjusting of foreward/side traction on the wheel parts. if you want to make an unlisted/wip post of the craft, could try some testing?

    2.8 years ago
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    Looks Awesome 👍👍 Next, can we learn to sweep...

    2.8 years ago
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    a guage or mfd can be set to display the (total mass - dry mass) by part #s, of the tank sets for each fuel type

    2.8 years ago
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    yes - i think, in the game
    1Mm = 1,000 Km
    1Gm = 1,000 Mm or 1,000,000 Km

    2.9 years ago
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    a couple people have done it, but most vizzy readings and commands only work on the craft/chip that being controlled - and im pretty sure that no vizzy works on crafts outside of the max physics distance, so the range of the missile is limited by that setting

    2.9 years ago
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    @kittman @Hannah1212 - great, glad it was a help! something in the designer to test them would make it easier, for sure...like a slider maybe. i wonder if anyone has made a suggestion for that yet?

    2.9 years ago
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    i try to use the rotator part when i can (i think its easier and stronger than the hinge rotator), then use the designer to rotate it and the assembly connected to it - so, say it is 90 deg range opened, rotate it 90 in the designer - and you can test it closing by inverting the input - then when its done, switch it all back - still kind of meticulous though, hope its a help

    2.9 years ago
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    @connorjuvonen - i havent seen that setting either, but i know you can paint them different colors to end up with some different combinations - the primary and trim 1,2,3 colors will change different parts of the stripes

    2.9 years ago
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    Any option of the guages can be set to any input (the type of guage or indicator doesnt matter) - the "hidden properties" in "tinker panel" have alot more options to set the guage to, or a program variable can be typed in, and it will read what that variable is set to(in the program * multiplier)

    2.9 years ago
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    @Matteovir - it might be just the low twr during low orbit - i think the auto burn determines accuracy from how much the craft will change position/direction during the burn, it would have a major direction change (a 10 min burn time would be close to 1/4 of an orbit) - if you try a long auto burn in a higher orbit, or outside of droo SOI, they should still be able to get high accuracy - because the timing and direction wouldnt matter as much

    2.9 years ago
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    They did a great job on the solar system expansion, nice list of places and descriptions! one of my favorites is Hyperpatchion, with the crazy deep caverns and cliffs... fun finding a landing location

    3.0 years ago
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    on the guage settings, open the tinker panel and turn on "hidden settings", and scroll past the inputs pitch, roll, ect. until it says something like "fuelbatt%" - it will give a value from 0 to 1 (the %), then change the input multiplier to how far you want the guage indicator to rotate (360 would be a full rotation)

    3.0 years ago
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    agreed - their connection to the other parts is weak, and disconnects way too easy - it definitely limits custom landing gear, custom landing legs, rotor assemblies, suspensions - one side of the gizmo needs to be almost weightless to be semi durable

    3.0 years ago
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    there are alot of ways to go about it, but the engine throat size and nozzle length will change the performance at different atmosphere densities - large throat size and short nozzle length will perform better at sea level (higher air densities), and small throat size and a long nozzle length will perform better in vacuum - the sliders for "altitude" and "mach" in the "performance analyzer" for the engines will show how changing the settings effect the performance, and helps with tuning in the engines and stages

    3.0 years ago
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    @AshtvinayakAerospace - click the blue "craft" at the bottom of my last comment - the "while true"can be changed to a condition for ending it, and a "wait until" before it for starting the display

    3.1 years ago
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    there is "engine thrust" under "performance" - put that where the variable is and it will show thrust...but it should be in a loop, like plane said, or it will only report thrust once(immediately after staging, it needs some time for the engine to start up)

    3.1 years ago
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    that is the worst - who would even want credit for someone elses work? (i guess this person)...credit should always be given for building on to an existing craft, but these just look like re-uploads - hopefully they are taken down

    3.1 years ago
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    @Elewaitingforally - yes, it definitely needs to have a program event to activate it - the craft id is good for when you have seperating crafts, and the id is next or before in sequence - and going by craft name can be useful for switching to crafts already existing in the sandbox

    3.1 years ago
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    i think its looking for the craft id, but there is vizzy part "craft id of (name of craft)" that should work by name, and put that into the "switch to craft" piece

    3.1 years ago
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    @ImtiaakSR - a forum post is good for getting the message out...but i think they mostly go by the highest upvoted suggestions (under "development" ) for figuring what the community wants next

    3.2 years ago
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    @AshtvinayakAerospace - if you go into "part shape tool" then tap on the bottom or top connection, you can tap the diameter number and manually type in the size for width and depth - it works good for small adjustments, or if you know the exact size it should be - changing the "grid size" to 0 can help also, i think its default is 0.1

    3.2 years ago
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    What is happening? using the drag arrows, or typing the diameter in the part shape tool seems to be working - on mobile version

    3.2 years ago
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    @Colinmayer1 - no problem, it is a giant rocket 👍

    3.2 years ago
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    suspensions still use the springs, hinges and rotators though - there is a "free spin"/"floppy" or range limiting settings that work for suspension linkages

    3.2 years ago
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    you can set the rotators/hinges to use a variable that is controlled by a vizzy program, and able to use a custom pid - the input for the rotator/hinge would have to be typed in like this {name of part with program.flightprogram.name of variable} - so, if the vizzy is on the Command Chip and the variable name is "Fin", the input would be {Command Chip.flightprogram.Fin}
    then the rotator/hinge will operate by whatever you set the "Fin" variable to (in the vizzy program)

    3.2 years ago
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    i usually launch to orbit, then burn just outside droos SOI (the craft orbit should almost match droo orbit) - then make a planned burn node with apoapsis just reaching cyleros orbit path. target cylero, then it should show cyleros closest position, and an icon where your craft will be - then rotate the burn node around your current orbit, and you should be able to see where an intercept is possible - depending on time, you might need to fast foreward an orbit period for alignment...but cylero should be ahead(in orbit) of the burn position by about 20-30 degrees (using the sun as the angle point)

    3.2 years ago
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    the vizzy says - 58.3 km

    3.3 years ago
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    @CrashINC - no problem, i have done it like that on side boosters to eject them when they run empty(and the main stage still has fuel) - a water tank might work good with just the readout on a MFD

    3.3 years ago
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    @kittman - Nice! - they are looking awesome in the screenshot - Cant go wrong with Smokey and the Bandit! looking foreward to seeing them in action

    3.3 years ago
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    Are they heading Eastbound and Down?

    3.3 years ago
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    there are a bunch more settings for the gizmos in the "tinker panel" - turn on the "hidden properties" and there are settings for the min/max values. if you set the minimum to 0 and maximum to 1, with the range setting on the rotator to 90 degrees, it will only rotate 0 - 90 and remain at 0 for the negative input values

    3.4 years ago
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    looks great, as usual 🖒👍 - cant wait to install some guages and explore the new stock system!

    3.4 years ago
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    yes, i am getting the "a new version of the game is available" message also...but checked for an update, and there is not a new update on android. it is probably a bug

    3.4 years ago
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    @KnightofMandalor - no problem

    3.5 years ago
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    Did they say when the next launch attempt is scheduled? i only saw they called the final second raptor engine abort, but havent heard what happened exactly. @Tweedle_Aerospace - definitely!

    3.5 years ago
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    @KnightofMandalor - click on the arrow (2nd icon down, on the left hand side of the screen) and the "move part tool" menu will come up - at the bottom it will say "part connections", click on that, and then highlight any part with the mouse - it will show all of the connection pionts for that part. there is a "-" for removing an existing connection, and a "+" for adding a connection to an empty connection point - the wings should have a connection for "base" and "tip"

    3.5 years ago
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    sometimes they dont snap together at different angles - you can attach it first(matching the angle), then rotate the wing - or use the "part connections" screen to connect them manually

    3.5 years ago
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    using part# mass (of the side booster fuel tanks) also works - by activating the stage when it reaches empty mass

    3.5 years ago
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    @theUSSR - the camera part worked for clicking parts(the MFD) - i didnt report it yet, seeing this post just reminded me it happened...but it worked before the update, for activating beacon lights to turn on AGs

    3.6 years ago
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    i couldnt click in 1st person either

    3.6 years ago
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    The transparency is a slider in the paint tool , under "custom" - where the smoothness, metallic, emmision, detail sliders are

    3.6 years ago
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    you might be able to paint the wheel with the transparency on

    3.6 years ago
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    there is a "part mass" vizzy readout - if you set the fuel priorities to have a specific tank(on each booster) to drain last, then have it activate the interstage when that tanks mass gets to dry weight - it will seperate when empty

    3.6 years ago
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    @NEWFRONTIERSEXPLORATION2 - if you can upload it, i can give it a try and see if the same thing happens...im not sure what else it could be?

    3.7 years ago