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    Rules go as follows;

    Ask mom if youre allowed on the internet.
    Attempt interneting.
    If successful then avoid strangers.
    Ask mom for a snack.
    Build something.
    Ask mom for dinner.
    Finish the build.
    Ask mom for a bath and to wash your hair.
    Finally post the build and get to bed on time like a good little boy.
    Ask mom for a kiss and where dad went 7 years ago.
    Wake up and check your upvotes.

    +3 5 months ago
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    Holy font batman

    +2 12 days ago
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    Connection issue no doubt.
    Check all parts are free to spin on the rotor.

    If anythings mirrored, Be sure to double check parts are still connected to what you want. Sometimes things get goofy.

    +2 25 days ago
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    Would be nice.
    At the moment we have to add a tiny fuel tank we must hide or fit in creatively for its infinite surface attachments.

    +2 4 months ago
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    Dont drink paint and orbit

    +2 6 months ago
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    Christmas comes but twice a year.
    Even the elves need a beer.
    Rudolf with your nose so red.
    How did you hide under the bed?

    +2 7 months ago
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    Just repost someone elses starship and change its color from silver to grey and youll make 200 points

    +2 7 months ago
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    I dried the yonder one no body had an option to try a six handed three way so we have that to the europeans.

    +2 8 months ago
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    Just ran it through the village. Nice work!
    It gets pretty close to a few corners but never hit any.
    Sweet ending too with a minor 180 trick and the one wheel breaking at first.
    This should navigate the luna ramp no problem.

    +2 one year ago
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    @goz i should be near the pc tonight. Got another craft to decipher first but id gladly test this out also.

    +2 one year ago
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    You should be able to scout it out by targeting and drag zooming or just start a sandbox game and launch there to see what it looks like.
    Honestly i forget too. I was there the first week of career release.

    +2 one year ago
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    Theres a contract to drop a rover on the moon base and drive it out of the crater.
    Could be a few issues getting the rover off the platform ledges before the climb.

    +2 one year ago
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    Go do the learning. Become VerySmarte

    +2 1.1 years ago
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    @EpsilonSpaceOrganization ahh yes the never ending and vicious cycle

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    @EpsilonSpaceOrganization then maybe they will only correct every second one.
    I dont care what words you use as long as youre not attacking anyone.

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    They tend to explode when they are scared so we have that going for us

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    Yes sounds like heat damage.
    Open the log while in flight and see what it tells you.
    It will tell you what part is doing it too.
    Helps with fixes

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    Dang. A real question.

    Ive got a few tricks.
    Something quick,
    Sugar is a huge one like youve done already.
    I know a guy from when i was in the army.
    All he did was quit pop and he went from 400 lbs to 300 lbs.
    He might be a rare person but theres something about sugar that turns into access weight once its in the body.

    If you look up swimming the english channel, those people need to build up a fat reserve in order to actually do it.
    They train daily but not too hard as to help them gain fat.
    On swim day they cross the channel and it takes 5-6 hours or something. I cant remember but by the 1-2 hour their stomach food is gone for fuel.
    The body then has to kick into fat reserves for fuel around 3 hours into the swim.
    These people will lose insane amounts of fat reserves in the single swim.
    The secret is pushing yourself for over 3 hours.
    As a marathon runner, I do that often and if I didnt eat millions of calories Id be dead.
    You dont have to go 3 hrs today. Your heart may not take the punishment.
    Just keep pushing yourself to your limit and then a hair more every time you do something.
    It will eventually add up.

    Like a train you will pull the breaks,
    Chug it out slowly until your joints and heart are conditioned enough to take some punishment.
    Then youll be chugging along like a beast. Burning ridiculous amounts of calories.
    Get yourself a fit bit or something to keep an eye on your heart rate so you dont go past your max.
    Google your max for your age and weight.
    Hover around max as long as possible.
    Dont have to be running.
    Try water runs if your joints hurt at first.
    Eat stuff to pad your joints.
    If i dont eat fish oils and glucosamine pills then i can only run 20 km every week but if i take them i can run 20 km every two days.
    Big difference.
    It pads my joints so i dont get the inflammation from working out. I heal faster because of it.
    Ill be back with more ideas.
    Im late for work.
    Good luck and have fun.
    Take some good music its good motivation

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    Youre not missing much honestly man.
    There is no end game or even mid game for that matter.

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    I cant make planets very well but I always thought it would be neat to see a small moon with in large planetary rings.
    Something to land on while youre floating in the rings.

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    It's for planes.
    Use the space one.

    +2 1.4 years ago
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    You do it on the craft itself.
    If you want pitch inverted, just invert the wings control surfaces (or rocket engines gimbal)

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    Tomatoes are not poisonous.

    +1 15 days ago
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    They said you were still near Orion's belt, not due back for some time.
    Did you find any new technology whilst on your picnic?

    +1 17 days ago
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    Downloading the download that downloads downloads will help download any downloads you may need to download.
    Download it at Downloads.com

    +1 20 days ago
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    Body count aint nothing to brag about

    +1 one month ago
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    Try alternating fire between guns

    +1 one month ago
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    How says doing it was used into outside equipping others

    +1 one month ago
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    Seven minutes since you last played

    +1 one month ago
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    Did you try mirroring the rotator to achieve a symmetrical and balanced spin?

    +1 one month ago
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    I stopped drinking paint when petherite became available for consumption.

    +1 one month ago
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    Welcome back

    +1 2 months ago
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    Salt and pepper is good for flavouring food.
    It also makes good eye cream.

    +1 2 months ago
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    This isnt the same but,
    Launch a craft and take it to where you want to start landing crafts.
    Pause and Save location.
    Launch a new craft at that saved location for landing practice.

    +1 2 months ago
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    I just saw this in my kitchen

    +1 3 months ago
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    Waiting for Juno pt2

    +1 3 months ago
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    Finally a post about humans

    +1 3 months ago
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    It can take a week before anyone logs in around here.

    +1 3 months ago
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    No body upvote my 4000 part vtol either so i deleted my 20k account.

    Didnt get me any more upvotes… dang

    +1 3 months ago
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    Cow catching fly net rocket

    +1 4 months ago
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    I found a clear rock. Must have been quartzite.
    Then i found a stray dog so i put the rock in the dogs ear.
    Now it hears crystal clear.

    +1 4 months ago
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    I remember that now.
    Its basically useless i guess.

    +1 4 months ago
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    Devs had to leave supper in the pasture to rush this new request.
    Be sure to call them in some pizza

    +1 4 months ago
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    No no, it stands for
    Indigenous Domestic Cockatoo

    +1 4 months ago
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    I used to leave it on all day too so the GPU would heat that room.

    +1 4 months ago
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    I had it for 7 years.
    I never asked about the new Juno.
    You did.
    So thats what it is.
    Try before you buy.

    +1 5 months ago
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    Build for yourself and be free

    +1 5 months ago
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    You will be forgotten

    +1 5 months ago