This rover is meant for
Built 2008
Explorarion of luna, droo, and cylero (celery)
Exploration of droo’s ocean
Mass production
this craft is grouped so you can easily clone it
This is meant for a rescue mission to find a person lost on a celestial body, you can send like 50 of these in all directions to find them.
The craft is 218k, however, I disagree with the fact that a command chip is 50k, that’s a little excessive for what is arguably an rc car.
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10.4k sflanker
@Freeskyareospace Yes, these posts also fall under the "however, we do reserve the right to remove posts if they are too far off-topic" qualification. Posts should generally be something other players might download because it flies, floats, drives, performs some function, or comes loaded with a useful flight program. Crafts that have artistic merit are also permitted.
I made a forum post that clarifies the policy.
20.2k Freeskyaerospace
Sorry to spam, but I really don't want to get anything else deleted.
Was it the "No sympathy posts or memorial posts. Move those discussions to the forums." Or something else?
20.2k Freeskyaerospace
Did I get it right? I removed the post as well before I could read it
195 TayCo
Great! It would really help with the project. I could’ve downloaded it but I can’t right. Now keep up the good work!
@sflanker Got it thanks!