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    When you are stopped, you could deactivate the AG of the ion engine maybe, then engage your ftl ? And what do you mean by faster than light travel ? How do you do that ? Teleportation or really high speed ?

    4.1 years ago
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    Yeah it would be nice. You tested going far under the oceans ingame and there is not less light ?

    4.1 years ago
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    I've heard the water is quasi not compressible, ( the density difference between -5km and -1cm would be negligible ) but if we forgot the title, you are true : there is less light the deeper we dive.
    It is a good idea to get less light as we fall as you said :)

    4.1 years ago
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    I did not tested this Bob9998 trick in space, but according to the description it works in space as an inertia dampener. ( tested in atmosphere, it is an insta 0m/s )
    Give it a try ?

    4.1 years ago
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    I've heard that deactivating the command pod/chip running the program don't stop the program, so :
    - You can make your routine execute only when a particular action group is On. Depending on your program, the breakblock can be of use
    - Maybe there is a button I'm not aware of
    - Someone may have a better idea

    4.1 years ago
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    There is multiples solutions.
    Easiest should be downloading the Vizzy programs you can find somewhere on the forum.
    To do manually here is a solution, it is not the only one, and not the optimal one :
    - Try to match the target general orbit shape. Especially inclination.
    - Try to have your orbit not too close, not too far, from the target orbit. ( if low Droo orbit, something between 10km/50km altitude difference should be OK, but that is just an example )
    - When your craft are near, match the orbit more precisely.
    - Then set a burn point at the closest approach to match orbit to your best.
    - Immediatly after the burn, you should have low relative velocity
    This is now final approach and docking.
    - Activate RCS, set translation mode to ON, change camera to what you feel the best ( I suggest "chase camera", or a camera part if you put one ) Lock node to target.
    - control your craft with keyboard ( ZQSD+AE or WASD+QE depending on your layout )
    - When really near :
    - Quicksave, if you consider it is not cheating. ( I don't think it is, but maybe you are an hardcore gamer ) select your target docking port and click "set as target".
    - Continue control with the keyboard and dock slowly. You ll have to wait from 1 to several seconds for the docking procedure to complete when the ports are in contact.

    If everything else, search the Internet for how it is done IRL, or continue asking here, someone smarter than me will answer.

    Good luck :) !

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    @sflanker When Sujun told me about this yesterday, I did it by XML, but being able to do so in the building editor is even better (and it don't "look like we are cheating") ! It wasnt obvious to me that the input field was text-editable, thank you for proving me I was wrong, best tip of the month !

    4.1 years ago
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    ( see Sflanker answer, I have nothing to add without knowing precisely what info you are looking for :) )

    4.1 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX it is [text] (link) not (text) [link]
    (without the space, of course)

    4.1 years ago
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    Vizzy already permit to display "approach info", if I understand what you mean. Vizzy have craft and target position, velocity vectors, from which a lot of things can be calculated and displayed on screen.
    Have you an example of what Vizzy can't display and we need ? ( Approach info is not precise, that's why I ask you :) )

    4.1 years ago
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    I also had a comparable problem.
    On crafts with multiples commands pods/chip :
    - If you have an "apollo style" lander upside down, make sure you "take control" of the good command chip/pod. If Vizzy is used, it can be a mess.
    - I'm sure you already know this, but just in case : If your different commands pods should be oriented the same, adjust pilot orientation in the editor. ( for each command pod/chip : step1, step 2 )
    - On stations, if you have multiples Vizzy script attempting to set the craft orientation, it can be a mess. If so, solution is carefully put stop condition or deactivation action groups. If not, maybe make sure you are controlling the correct command pod/chip.
    - If nothing works, consider submitting a bug report or suggestion. (I'm sure the subject already has been evoked, but I did not found with a quick search. But this suggestion can be relevant if it is Vizzy that cause problem for you )
    Please let me know if you find an other solution :)

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    Nice idea :)

    4.1 years ago
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    You can use the "performances" button to compare your settings influence on your craft.
    There is a slider for altitude, and an other for speed.

    Also, hovering the mouse on your engine settings ( in mobile, try long press instead ) brings you a sentence with clues about sea level/vacuum efficiency

    I have no "sheet" for perfect settings, the fun in in the experiment and you'll find that you can dramatically improve your delta-V using the "performances" tools.

    I have the simple engineer mod installed.
    But I think the vanilla game already has the "performances" button. If not, try installing the mod.

    4.1 years ago
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    Create an account here
    Then, you'll can upload an image and crop it with the gravatar website tool.
    You need to associate your account with the same address email you used here, or it wont work.
    You may need to wait several minutes for your picture to be visible on SR2 website.
    Hope it help !

    4.1 years ago
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    I fear this is not possible at the moment...

    please prove me Im wrong !
    ( I suppose you included "throttle, pitch, yaw" in the sliders )
    It would be nice to have Vizzy be able to set rotators/hinges in a specific angle.

    4.1 years ago
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    I may be wrong : On or Off, I don't think they need power. At least I've never seen any power drawn from camera.

    4.1 years ago
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    1- If you want the AI Chip to replace your starting command pod, select the command chip, then properties, "set as primary".

    2- You can turn a baecon light On by :
    2a- assigning an action group and using this action group. ( select beacon, property, then choose Activation group at the top )
    2b- Or, using vizzy : set a name for your beacon, and use "set part [part ID of (partname)] activated to 1"

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    Ingame, in the editor, there should be a button "upload". You will then be asked to login, and to select a thumbnail. It will upload the current craft loaded in the editor

    4.1 years ago
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    Did a single test, with same results as yours.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    6.67384 can be rounded up to

    Is the difference causing trouble in your program ?

    Edit :according to wikipedia, the value is not known, and the precision of the measure increase with our "tools".
    The accepted value in 2010 was "6.67384E-11"m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2, exactly the one of the game.

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    I agree, +1 on this linked thread can help

    +6 4.1 years ago
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    I mean it (fast forward, slow motion) would be a problem in multiplayer ^_^

    4.1 years ago
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    Thanks CaptainCaleb for your answer. Indeed, wind and stock cokpit instruments sounds good !
    ( Multiplayer also, but what about time compression ? )

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    For mobile I don't know, but on computer, hovering the mouse on a block or block parameter will display a description of what it is doing, at the top center of the screen.
    For the examples, there is the players uploaded crafts.
    For tutorials, there is plenty of tutorials on programming on the Internet, maybe the game could link to a selection of them, to get players not familiar with the concept started ? Or, the game could include simple programs so players don't have to browse the uploaded crafts to find examples and figure out how it works ?

    4.1 years ago
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    What are the features of SP SR2 do not have ?
    ( except guns ?)
    "Space dogfight" is an non-sense cliché that some movies keep alive, and it is a shame.
    I recommend this website for a whole bunch of information about space fights. It is a big website and you will find a lot of considerations about space warfare, why space dog fight wont happen, and realistic war spaceships layouts.
    For realistic space fights, there is an wonderful game called "Children of a dead Earth", I don't think it is in the scope of SR2 and I have no problem with that. You still can do custom missiles in SR2, if you are so inclined.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    4.1 years ago
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    • tested on PC : worked perfectly
    • tested on Android : went mad
    • lowered game settings ( to very low ) in Android : worked perfectly

    (nice craft btw !)
    Could the "other user" try with lower settings ?

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    You can also put some "log" blocks, one inside the "if", and one inside the "else", it would help to narrow the cause.

    4.1 years ago
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    I don't know why it don't works on your craft.
    - It is possible that the "while (nothing)" loop is considered false. If we put once something "false" in the while slot, it will still be considered false when the slot is then emptied. ( at contrary, if we never put something in, it will be considered true ) To be sure it is not this, put a "true" in the "while" slot.
    - You have to name your beacon light in the editor, and use the same name in Vizzy. In my example I used "green" but of course use what you want. So, double check you part name. like this
    - Be sure also you have no other Vizzy thread who is reseting the AG state ( I don't know what else you have in your program, and it is possible )
    - I dont want to be offensive, but check you have battery on your craft, it happened to me haha.

    I have no other idea, if you find the solution post it, it could help someone reading this post later :)

    4.1 years ago
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    There is probably more than one technique to perform a rendez-vous.
    I'll describe the one I use for manual rendez-vous.
    1- At launch pad, go in map view and fast forward until you are under the target orbit line. If your craft is already on orbit, ignore, you'll probably need more delta-V, go to step 5.
    2- launch, and during ascension move heading in navsphere so you end up with the same inclination.
    3- Aim a bit below or above the target orbit.
    4- circularize
    5- at one of the two points where it looks like your orbit "cut" the target orbit, burn radial or antiradial if needed. If your inclination is not that good, also burn normal or antinormal.
    6- now wait for the point where your orbits are the closest and burn retrograde or prograde to have a comparable eccentricity between you and the target.
    7- Your orbit should now be similar to the target, except you are lower, or upper than the target. One of you will catch the other with time.
    8- fast forward, wait for your craft to catch up, or the target to catch up.
    9- when you are near, perform a small burn ( always in map view ) to fine tune your closest approach.
    10- fast forward and try to kill relative velocity at nearest approach.
    Someone may have better tricks than these, and/or longer explanations.
    Also, some people made Vizzy program who automate all the process from take off to docking, but I don't have the links.

    4.2 years ago
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    On Luna surface, I tested with 250% scaled up docking ports and only managed to have 70% docking. (without gravity to help, it would be probably impossible in space to dock with 250% scaled up docking ports)
    I think the "docking node" is blocked by the docking port itself because of scaling.
    like you it was sufficiently aligned

    4.2 years ago
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    I just tested and it works :
    image of test build

    VIzzy snippet

    When AG1 is off, red is off and green is on.
    When AG1 is on, red is on and green is off.
    Is repeatable because of the loop.

    Is it the kind of result you were looking for ?

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I would try with Vizzy, if (AGx) then part[name of part].activated = false, else true. Maybe wont work, I did not tried.

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    Unfortunately I am also a new player, so most of players would have better advices than me haha.

    Also if you are a SimplePlanes veteran, you will probably find the building editor familiar.
    My only advice : have fun !

    4.2 years ago
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    yes, select the one that you want to invert, then "part properties", "rotator input", "invert"

    Like this

    edit : if your parts are mirrored, you can also tick "invert on mirror" in the first, if it is more convenient for you.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    For infinite I don't know.
    I tested to add fuel by editing a craft XML, but adding fuel also add mass to the astronaut ( so the jetpack can struggle to lift it off, and with absurd values can even make him explode instantly )
    Example a 1000L tank for the astronaut FuelTank capacity="1000" fuel="1000", (&quot is ") and the jetpack can't lift off the astronaut on the Moon even with max jetpack power. Maybe in space it is ok I don't know.

    Your best bet is downloading a craft who claim having infinite fuel and look at the xml, or wait for a smarter person than me to answer your question. Alternatively, try with less fuel than my example.

    If XML editing tips are prohibited on the forum, please @ me so I delete this post. (or delete it yourself if you are a mod)

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Hello CobraHuey, welcome to SR2 ! Being not a player of SimplePlanes, I don't know you, but I guess it is just a matter of time.

    ps : I don't know if the Discords advertising are allowed here, so I don't post the invites, but there are multiples Discords for the game. Bye :)

    Edit after Mod's comment : I would have linked yours and the one of KellAerospace, https://discord.gg/SzVNp9

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    And because it is not obvious that "forum->suggestions" are not true suggestions, you can find and post them in "stuff->suggestions".

    Example, the DiegoAvion84 suggestion for langing gear customisation can be found here

    4.2 years ago
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    yeah it would be nice !
    I found about 8 comparable suggestions (not merged, search for "cockpit" (6 results) in menu "stuff->suggestions" and "command pod" (2 comparable results))
    If they were merged they would have better visibility and better chance to come to the game. (I think I didnt voted for one of them, they are too scattered)
    I would love it (but with a real onboard flight computer, in KSP we had to use mods like the glorious ASET avionics/props. Without them it still was a pain do to complete mission in first person view without map view because of the lack of information available)
    On top of that, players made cockpits inevitably will make the game lag more than a stock cockpit+flight computer in 1 part.

    4.2 years ago
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    There is at least 3 answers :
    - Do it manually
    - Make a nice Vizzy program
    - Use Kell Aerospace craft/program and change the coordinates

    I hope you will find the fun in one of theses solutions, and maybe you'll find an other one !

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Ok, sorry ^_^

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    ( give a better chance to your suggestion by having only one suggestion by post : I suggest remove "guns, missiles and bombs", but of course you are free )

    edit : did you used this link to post ?
    The url of this post does not contains "simplerockets.com/Feedback/View/" but "simplerockets.com/Forums/View/"

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    I would vote for it.

    I was said to post suggestions here so maybe you should post again with this link :)

    4.2 years ago
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    I'm not currently reliable enough to engage in a sustained collaborative work.
    On the other hand these are really nice projects, and if I'm still playing SR2 in a few month, I may give a hand at my level.
    Meanwhile I thanks you for your commitment in the game ecosystem !

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    I upvote to help keep it visible so smart people join you in your realCrusade :)

    4.2 years ago
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    Looks like there is a suggestion about airbags (merged 7 times ^_^)
    (also I like the idea)
    the suggestion from Fifcie

    4.2 years ago
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    At the moment I did not had these problems, do they show up in any of your contraptions or just with this rover ?

    4.2 years ago
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    It is not stupid, you figured it out :)

    4.2 years ago