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    @KnightOfRen yeah, his post really sums up what the environment is like there.
    It's caustic.

    3.6 years ago
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    okay. Gonna make an assumption here. it sounds like it “Persons of a younger age” are more SP players whereas the SR2 crowd tends to be (another assumption) more mature, intelligent and engaged. That’s why I posed the question in the first place... I simply had not seen anything I’d call “drama”.
    I know there are some incredible young creators here, I’ve been helped out by a couple of them recently. Pretty much everyone seems to been respectful to each other. Which is pretty cool. :)

    3.6 years ago
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    @iSpace Your Infinity 7 booster is great! I've used it for several photos. Lands perfectly (almost) every time! I believe the Luna X moon mission is yours as well... I've had a lot of fun with it and it's little rover. Plenty of images I'll be sharing at some point. I'll tag you when I post more pics of iSpace craft. :D

    3.6 years ago
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    @Patelsh24 you did a great job! launching from both the runway and launch pad the SN5 would always head straight to the LP to land. Luck would take over from there... I did a lot of quick saves/restores before I got all four. Had fun doing it too. 😁

    Oh yeah, I edited stuff to credit you for the programming.

    3.6 years ago
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    Craft credits:
    SN5 150m Hopper by @ChaoticGraviton
    SN5 Vizzy by @Patelsh24
    Infinite 7 by @iSpace
    Kell Auto-Reuse v1.1 by @KellyNyanbinary

    3.6 years ago
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    Ive always thought more along the lines of a "dune buggy" (get it?) :D
    You know.. cuz of the dunes on Mars/Cylero... Get going fast enough, hit a nice-size dune and watch it FLY. ;)
    Use it on the moon/Luna and it's hard to keep from tumbling in the sky...

    3.7 years ago
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    Cool Hover and Return Craft by @GoldenShadowGS
    Auto-turrets by @s5ehfr9
    Screenshots by @kittman

    3.7 years ago
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    I was about to post a video when I see the title of this thread. What's the short version of the drama? I download some new crafts, read some comments, reply now and then. Aside from a couple comments about multiple accounts for upvoting (and the resultant thunderbolt smackdown from the hands of Mod) I haven't seen drama.
    Just curious...

    3.7 years ago
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    @Rizkyman I'd love to try out and test out any new crafts you're working on! Doing some shakedown flights to look for any bugs, flaws, etc... It would be great. :D

    3.7 years ago
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    @Rizkyman Thanks for being cool with me about posting some of these screenshots. I use your crafts a lot for interesting stuff. Kinda like this snapshot. I was doing something completely different... testing my GPU's performance blah blah blah when I realized I had all three full crafts sitting together. I EVA'd everyone, moved them to different spots around the different crafts to get the best angle, made those two jump at the right time then SNAP. Picture done. I then threw everyone back into a craft and sent them all home.
    LOL I spent more work on that photo than I care to say but I had fun and was happy with the results.
    And I never did finish any GPU testing.

    Today I've been firing Altairs at Mars and the moon, shutting down different engines st different times. Just one failure: shutting down an engine while doing the re-entry burn on Mars. Since your craft's code is complex and factors in a bunch of stuff, shutting down an engine doesn't really seem to have much effect. I guess the other engines just burn longer to make up for the one I turned off.
    Weird thing to be doing I guess... but I find it kinda fun.

    3.7 years ago
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    The Saturn Nova lander and the two Altair landers are all @rizkyman crafts.

    3.7 years ago
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    That's a screenshot from my iPad. Home button and power button at the same time.
    The others I took with the SR2 screenshot tool. All of these were made on my iPad.
    The image of your Altair about to splash down was grabbed while playing on Mac. I have my water physics turned to low or off on my iPad unless I have to set it higher for water launches, like the Sea Dragon.
    My Mac on the other hand can run on High quality... Mostly. Some stuff I turn to medium to help the frame rate.

    3.7 years ago
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    I didn't know about a 100m threshold. What happens at that point?
    All this definitely explains why the more crafts I land at the same spot on Mars (or the moon), the more lag I experience.

    3.7 years ago
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    @Rizkyman Any problem if I post a "movie trailer" I made using the first Nova rocket you created several months ago? You're listed in the credits...

    3.7 years ago
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    @sflanker Makes sense. I had noticed the lag could be quite more intense with crafts loaded with parts.
    On somewhat of the same topic, isn't there also a similar lag when crafts get closer than a kilometer? What's happening then? Crafts have to be within 1km for my Landscape of Auto-Fire Turrets to become sentient and try taking me down...

    3.7 years ago
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    @rizkyman There's something about your crafts that make them very photogenic...

    3.7 years ago
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    Thought you might like this "photo"... I strapped two Droonauts to the side of your Nova rocket (you should be able to make out his chair on the side of the lander) and flew them to Luna. This guy is just enjoying the magnificent desolation that is the moon.
    ...then I put him back on his external seat and headed home. Unfortunately, the poor guy didn't make it since he was strapped down on the service module. ;)

    3.7 years ago
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    If you want the full res image let me know and I’ll get it to you.
    I’ll go through the How-to messaging post and start linking these screenshots to the full res images from now on.

    3.7 years ago
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    Thought you might like this...

    3.7 years ago
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    Oh, Thank you! I didn’t know that...

    3.7 years ago
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    The mods are one reason I started to play on my Mac. But one issue: even when not Expressively the using mods, the mods still became active. example @rizkyman’s auto Nova flight V2 to Luna. After installing the mods, the auto Nova Would fail and never even make it to TLI before burning up in the atmosphere. Disabling the mod was all it took and the program returned to normal. Kinda weird.

    3.7 years ago
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    Okay, so another question for y'all who use multiple devices. For me, any time I modify a craft and submit it as unlisted (in order to work on it from either my Mac or iPad) screws up the auto-credit... which really ticks me off... Giving credit where credit is due is important to me. Am I doing something wrong? Is this just the way it works? Anyone else notice the auto-credit changing while working on a craft?
    If the auto-credit is something that is actually in an XML file and can be changed, can someone point me in the right direction? I have searched the XML files but I'm not really sure what exactly to look for. It doesn't help my programming skills sucks.
    Back in the day, I could make a code a decent webpage full of "under construction" gifs and animated flaming torches using nothing but Notepad (well, until frames came along) but that was like two decades ago. Wait, holy crap, OVER two decades ago. :/ I never had to do any "real" program while working, thank god. But after a few months playing SR2 and going over the code of others in order to better understand Vizzy, I have learned a decent amount. And I'm looking forward to learning more.
    I guess the saying is true... Old dudes can actually still learn stuff!
    ...and no I am not an "old dude". I'm just a non-young dude. heh
    Thanks, y'all...

    3.7 years ago
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    Hey hey... check it out! 99 points! One more and I'll begin to fill up the "Screenshots" sub-forum with a bunch of goodies... teeheehee... ;)

    3.7 years ago
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    @theUSSR it’s gonna be a weird one.

    3.7 years ago
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    Thanks! So very close...

    3.7 years ago
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    No prob... I will try and figure it out.
    Thanks again

    3.7 years ago
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    Cool! I’ve already made the flag with the single star. Well, not quite yet a star, more like a *. Perhaps I’ll post the flag for other Texans who might also be interested... once the star is more accurate.
    Any way to group everything together to add it as a subassembly?
    Thanks for your guidance, @Giova2020

    3.7 years ago
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    I never played SP so I don’t have an account... should I make one?

    3.8 years ago
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    And thanks for the link to the SR2 point system, @Antoni0
    I hunted high and low for that exact information to no avail.

    3.8 years ago
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    Ah, okay. I thought the points were 1:1.
    Looks like I need to post some stuff.
    It’s kinda ironic... I have a bunch of screenshots and vid captures I thought I’d share to begin collecting points, but I can’t share them because I need said points in order post those screen/vid captures. Heh
    I’ve been a lurker for six months or so... I guess it’s time to </lurking> and start posting.
    And this was the perfect place to begin getting points!
    I guess I’ll just beg for upvotes when I post...
    Thanks for the info y’all. I’ll begin my climb to 100 points...

    3.8 years ago