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    @Zaccurus @NathanMikeska There are new capabilities in the designer/flight scene which should address these issues in the upcoming (not yet released) version. New gizmos were added to allow visualizing the airfoil direction so you no-longer have to guess based on the craft's performance, and it has the ability to invert them.

    A new concept of "pilot orientation" was also introduced which is tied to each command pod, but is independent of the command pod's orientation, and the ability to change it. The pilot's orientation is used to determine the "Forward/Up/Right" vectors and is used in part to set airfoil direction and auto control surface/RCS/gyro assignment.

    +3 5.3 years ago
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    @Shigure Thanks! It is now under the STUFF menu for easy access.

    5.6 years ago
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    @AstronautPlanes @Caveman999 @Exospaceman They just aren't in the game yet...not that they're never going to be. We don't have a solid road-map as of right now when new planets will be added.

    +3 5.6 years ago
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    A version of lorem ipsum was created in the mid-1980s for Aldus Corporation's desktop publishing program PageMaker

    6.5 years ago