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    In both cases I meant the construction of an aircraft. In my opinion, the controls in the building menu are much more intuitive in SR. But I'm taking only about the mobile versions.
    And I think it's easier in SR to build an balanced airplane. Because every Structure/Fuselage part works also as a fuel tank. So you can easily fine-tune the CoM by modifying the amount of fuel in different fuel tanks.

    2.0 years ago
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    To your first question, i hope so because I won't be the oldest here, with 38 years.
    And yes, I'm married and have a son.

    And about the work life balance, once or twice a week, you can find 30 minutes to play.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    I'm with you. I've both games, on mobile. And in my opinion it is much easier and faster to build crafts in SR than in SP.

    2.0 years ago
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    @plane918273645 ah okay, thanks :-)
    Finding crafts by the search function was always a pain in the a... , you know what I mean. But with your tip, the search function is not complete useless.

    2.1 years ago
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    The speed is always the same, different is only the energy.

    2.1 years ago
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    Wow, how did you find this Side? Is the page also accessible via the normal navigation?

    And there is a problem with the tag search.
    If you select multiple tags, you don't get only the crafts that fits all tags as a result, every craft that has at least one of those tags are shown as search result.
    And if you change the time setting, from "all time" to "month" for example, the selected tags are gone.

    2.1 years ago
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    Backup the whole texture folder in your cloud storage (Google drive, Dropbox, one drive, and so on), take your laptop, download the folder and copy the files to your texture folder, done.


    2.1 years ago
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    Do you have powerful RCS/Gyro on your lander? They can, specially with powerful ones, make a craft bouncy after the touchdown. I think you locked the heading retrograde when you land, you can try to unlock the heading direct after touchdown.

    2.1 years ago
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    I think GSpace means the slow motion, and he is right, the legs and the slow motion are not the best friends. Even a landet craft jumps when you set the time mode to slow motion.

    But let's come back to your problem, do you have the bouncing problem with all landing legs, the old and the new ones? If yes, can you give us your leg settings (damper, spring, ...) please?

    2.1 years ago
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    Can't you use the other ingame sliders like the up and right slider?

    2.1 years ago
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    Content and physics are the same, only some graphic options are not available on mobile, the real time reflections for example.

    2.1 years ago
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    Then I wish you a happy birthday, young User. 15 Years old, I hardly remember it, damn have I grown old.

    2.2 years ago
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    I've already posted an suggestion that i want an option to open the parachute manually, just like the way before the update.

    I think the new system isn't very realistic, i think real space capsules have a kind of manual override to open the parachutes manually in case of a system malfunction.

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    Okay, ähm, sorry but I think I don't understand the problem. You can place as many droneships as you want, and you can scale them up. I also had problems to land a space shuttle on those tiny runways. Set part scale to 4 and it worked.

    2.2 years ago
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    LOD has an impact on performance, but if an 250€ Android Phone can run an LOD of 10 and nearly everything else on max*, it should be easy even on weaker netbooks.

    • ~20fps on drool, except direct at DSC.
      With thermal throttling between 15 and 20fps.

    2.2 years ago
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    Use the one inside the planet designer, you can find it under "planetary objects" , structures, "ship drone"

    2.2 years ago
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    Okay than we have an suggestion for the next update i think.

    2.2 years ago
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    On mobile you can't see the power consumption inflight, are you sure that you can see it on a PC?

    2.2 years ago
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    There are a couple of YouTube videos from several users, but nothing from the official side like a manual afaik.

    2.2 years ago
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    Okay and for what kind of craft, lander capsule, space shuttle, airplane or something I've forgotten? And how fast are you when you deploy them?

    I guess you use them as main parachutes (because the deploy height and the diameter), but I think they are to huge for those speeds. You can try to use drag chutes at higher speeds/altitudes to reduce your speed down to, idk, 500 m/s (+-100). I've tried drag chutes with a reentry lander up to 2400 m/s (dia 0.5/2.2, alt 40/25/6 km).

    2.2 years ago
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    @Pedro okay thanks

    2.2 years ago
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    Can you give us a little more informations?

    What are your settings, and when the parachutes are cuts off (heigh, speed, ...)?

    2.2 years ago
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    On mobile, Google Play, beta

    2.2 years ago
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    Release Notes for 0.9.906 would be nice, the update is there, but the release notes are not atm.


    2.2 years ago
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    Some (launch)-structures already have the build-in option to add Themselves to the launch location list. At desert runway and raised launch pad (afaik), at the structure settings window (that where you can set scale, heading, and other stuff), at the bottom of this window is the button "update launch locations".
    When using this option, you don't need to adjust the exact position and direction, that's done automatically. You only should change the names after creating the launch location, because every launch location need an individual name.

    2.2 years ago
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    If you use an standard capsule, mount an small fuel tank (imo 10 - 20cm) between the capsule bottom and the heat shield and set the fuel type to battery. Then go to the capsule settings and set the gyro slider to max.

    2.2 years ago
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    Maybe if somebody's account were closed/banned, it could be plausible that his upvotes gone with him.

    2.3 years ago
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    You're absolute right, and I think many users feel the same. I hope someone from the developers read that, because wrote down what they should do. But the developers are a theme for itself.
    So for now, thank you.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    This is Bullshit times ten!!!!!
    Are you aware that you use nearly the same words like Hitler in 1937 after the attack on Poland? Because the Territories were former German and they will bring them "Back Home"...
    The same shit, and you learned nothing, that's so disgusting, was the death of 70 Million not enough? How dumb could you be, damn. You're cheering a fascist murderer, how dare you.

    For the normal people, let's hope, pray ore whatever you believe that it's help the civilian, our minds are with them. War can never be a solution, never.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    The problem for Android users is that since Android 11 you can't edit files in the game directory.

    2.3 years ago
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    No, it is possible to add the same light options (angle, intensity, range, ...) to a fuselage by XML editing. Once tried, it's not very complicated at all, and there is an excellent Guide


    2.4 years ago
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    The fastest/easiest way is the tinker panel. Create a fuel tank with max size, then tinker the size to 5% and the mass to 0% and hide this fuel tank inside the regular tank, or use it as an Deko object.

    Or download those engines:


    2.4 years ago
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    You've set "throttle" as the input for the thrust reverse, change it and it will work.

    2.4 years ago
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    With an Android device you don't have many options to rise your fps, I think @Leah is right. But there are two or three options with an massive impact on your frame rate. I can double my fps when I set the screen resolution to 80% and the LOD to round about 4.

    Oh and near bigger Structures like DSC or DDB, fps drops every time over 50%, fly a couple of km and maybe the game will rum much smoother. And for the best performance, use crafts with a realistic part count, i think 600 - 800 parts are possible for you without lowering the settings. And remember that vizzy scripts also need CPU power, don't underestimate that.

    To your SWAP Question, I'm with Leah, more RAM won't help you because your SoC is the limiting factor. And virtual RAM is veeeerry slow, so it is possible that Simplerockets run slower with virtual RAM.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    I've got the same problem, because I'm on mobile. My "solution" is to max the ambient light settings and rise the max height for ambient light in atmosphere tab. Oh, and when max out the ambient light settings, don't forget to deactivate the checkbox that fades out the ambient light.

    An real solution is an Bluetooth keyboard, you can connect nearly every BT keyboard if your device is an Android, but I don't know if that works on IOS.

    2.5 years ago
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    Hey that's my Birthday, may be i get it as a present....


    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Have you try to reduce your autopilot PID settings? If it is 10, 0, 25 and it shakes really heavy, try 1, 0, 0.2 or so.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    I think we need folders for subassemblies, for crafts and maybe for celestial bodies.

    2.6 years ago
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    I had this when I applied changes in terrain generation tab (in your first pic) only with the dice-looking icon. Use the reload button in the "celestial body" tab (in your first pic at the upper right corner.

    2.6 years ago
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    Same problem here, also with "square" parts. Crafts like Apollo 11 Luna landers looking, let's say interesting.

    2.6 years ago
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    I think that nearly the complete website should be overhauled, specially the search function. The complete tag system is broken, since the launch of the site, it never worked. And the facts that the Simpleplanes site is so much better and that SR2 development is finished showing the focus from the developers.

    2.6 years ago
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    You can use wings, you only have to activate the "invert airfoil" checkbox.

    2.6 years ago
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    If you use only beacon or normal lights, you can make it with AG's, three AG's in your case (indicators left, indicators right, break lights).
    Then set every light to his specifical group.
    For this example, i use AG 5, 6 (indicators L/R) and 7 (break).

    Go to "edit program" then:

    On start
    While true
    If input Jaw > 0 = true then
    Set Activation Group 5 to true
    Set Activation Group 5 to false
    If input Jaw < 0 = true then
    Set Activation Group 6 to true
    Set Activation Group 6 to false
    If input Brake = true then
    Set Activation Group 7 to true
    Set Activation Group 7 to false

    That won't work if you use glowing fuselage parts (XML edited), there you must rename every part (for exple LI1, LI2 (for left indicator 1 and so on)) and activate every part separately in vizzy.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    Sorry, you need 1.21 Gigawatt to see the post (and an flux capacitor may be)

    2.9 years ago
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    Searching for "Shuttle" and finding this:


    2.9 years ago
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    That's not correct, you can time warp also on mobile devices, but you need an external keyboard. Maybe it is possible to configure an controller to use it as well, but I don't know. I've a little Bluetooth-keyboard, and I can say it makes the planet studio much easier to use.

    2.9 years ago
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    The problem with a really fast plane is the temperature, similar to the re-entry, but in your case you won't slow down, so a plane would explode.

    Use the fast forward option, if possible with your hardware at fast forward x10. I've round the whole planet with an solar plane (Vmax ~ 150m/s), so it is possible.

    And with an jet-engine you should fly as high as possible to lower the fuel usage.

    2.9 years ago
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    The problem is that you should be free to upvote the crafts you want, no matter that everybody else means that craft is crap. So it's difficult to solve this problem with the current upvote-system. You can limit the upvotes to one craft per day, I'm personally think one per two/three days is enough. I think everyone here knows how long you can build on one craft. This option could also fix the "low quality problem" I think.

    +2 2.9 years ago