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It has a really smooth surface, which looks nice and all, until you see the things.. the tears or whatever you want to call them.

Screenshot is provided... and yes, I am going to stick a pencil in uranus.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
H-II A Smoon 4 0kg 5,238 km 140.0 m/s
Landing Pad Smearth 17 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Pixie Master LW Smoon 3 0kg 315 km 549.0 m/s
Craft-17 Smearth 11 0kg 451 km 3.17 km/s
Craft-18 Smoon 3 0kg 390 km 490.0 m/s
SimpleRockets Replica Challenge Sun 46 10,363kg 13,313.2 Mm 20.34 km/s
Rocket Pencil Uranus 7 874kg 306 km 6.86 km/s

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