This update is a collaboration with the European Space Agency to bring awareness to JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer), which is the first European mission to visit a Gas Giant. It launches on April 13th, from Kourou, French Guiana, on top of an Ariane V, heading towards the moons of Jupiter after an insane chain of Gravity Assist.

1.0.906 Update


  • To celebrate this mission we have added a new Sandbox Challenge to the game, where you'll be in charge of getting JUICE to visit all moons of Tydos with the least possible Delta-V.

    • Overhauled the experience of setting up Planned Burns

  • Added a category in map info for the planned burn, that allows fine tuning the dV of the planned burn either typing the values or using buttons instead of the gizmos
  • Added support for delaying burns to future passes of the planned burn by N orbits
  • The Burn Gizmo Sensitivity can now be adjusted per-node in addition to the existing global setting
  • Map view now shows the ascending and descending nodes relative to the target when targeting a craft/body and hovering over the orbit line with the mouse
  • The map info window in map view now has a button to toggle camera sync with the selected item. This defaults to enabled, and should function as usual. Disabling it will allow camera and the info window to focus on two different things at once, enabling focusing the camera on a target planet while still interacting with a burn node
  • Moved the 'Show SOIs' option from the 'Map Options' section to the 'Item Visibility' section of the 'Map Info' window. This also adds the ability to toggle SOIs on individual planets, overriding the default setting for SOIs
  • Hovering over various Map View UI elements should no longer prevent zooming in/out via the mouse wheel
  • Improved the accuracy of the target's closest approach result in Map View
  • Improved the resolution (reduced the jitter) in the closest approach to target
  • Hiden the closest approach to target info and icon if the player's craft and/or the target are grounded or about to collide with the planet
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the radial in/out icons

    • Improvements to the solar panel array

  • Added a new hinge style resembling the one in JUICE
  • Tweaked the deployment animation to prevent the panels from getting distorted and reduce the clipping
  • Changed the trim assigned to the hinges to Trim 3, enabling setting their colour independently from the back of the panels
  • Improved the support of the overriden panels per row in the solar panel arrays

    • Added a Vizzy friendly formatting for time that tries to split the value in days, hours, minutes and seconds instead of showing decimals

    • Added a Vizzy friendly formatting for coordinates based on lat,lon,altitude


  • Improved the load times for terrain in certain situations
  • Changed the scaled space transition altitude to account for the user's LOD settings, so the terrain fades out faster on lower end devices, resulting in better performance in orbit, sooner loading clouds and a visually less jagged terrain
  • The burn node gizmos now clamp the drag percentage to match the visual clamped ranges of the icons
  • Changed the approach used to calculate the wheel's torque to get rid of a dead-zone between -0.5 and 0.5 input

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure command units with 0 power consumption let the players use autopilot even when having ran out of battery
  • Fixed a bug where map view could return the incorrect closest encounters in certain situations
  • Fixed a small memory leak in map view
  • Fixed a null-ref in PlanetStudio which breaks the planetary system designer
  • Fixed a bug in map view where the wrong planet could receive a click event in certain situations
  • Fixed a bug causing the Ali Pad delivery contract to fail when reaching the target location
  • Fixed a bug causing the fuel percentage in wings to not properly update when manually changing between battery and other fuel
  • Fixed a bug causing the village launchpad to be outside of the required range for the Going Sideways contracts to begin


  • Added methods to ITerrainGenerator to register/unregister callbacks to be invoked when terrain/water materials are requested. These can be used by mods to modify or override the materials
  • Added TerrainDataLoading, TerrainDataUnloaded, TerrainDataUnloading, and TerrainDataUnloaded events to ModApi.Flight.Sim.IPlanetNode
  • Renamed IPlanetNode.TerrainDataLoaded to IPlanetNode.IsTerrainDataLoaded
  • Added a CreateQuadDataCompleted static event to Assets.Scripts.Terrain.QuadSphereScript
  • Added a FrameStateRecalculated event to the ModApi.Planet.IQuadSphere interface
  • Added static UnloadQuadStarted and UnloadQuadCompleted events to Assets.Scripts.Terrain.QuadScript
  • Added static CreateQuadStarted and CreateQuadCompleted events to Assets.Scripts.Terrain.QuadScript

1.0.907 Patch

Tweaks and Fixes

  • Changed the solar panel array collider using the new base to start where the panels start instead of at the base
  • Made the collider of the solar panel array when overridden match the first row of panels instead of the widest to have more intuitive collisions when deploying
  • Optimized the colliders in the solar panel arrays when closed or fully open
  • Added a pivot at the base of the new hinge style and prevented the ghost of the old hinge from sneaking around
  • Changed the side open percentage of a solar panel array from checking the first row of panels to the largest row of panels
  • Slightly increased the gap between the main panels
  • Fixed a bug in the placement of the CoM and the audio generator in the solar panel arrays
  • Fixed a bug causing orbital velocity to jump between 0 and 1 m/s in the velocity display

Funky Trees

  • Improved the type selection of the ternary operator (it should now work with vectors)
  • Reworked FT type converters to encourage consistency between PC and mobile

1.0.908 Patch

Tweaks and Fixes

  • Fixed a Map View bug where encounters could fail to be created in certain situations
  • Fixed a bug causing inverted solar panel arrays to not recharge
  • Fixed an inconsistency in the mass and power calculation of the solar panel arrays using the new hinge

13 Items


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    I don’t want to be a beggar, but do you think you can make the drone ship and ground stations visible from the map in sandbox mode in the next update?

    1.7 years ago
  • Profile image

    How do I get the update please help

    +2 1.8 years ago
  • Profile image

    Hi, ascending/descending nodes for targets are also visible for bodies outside the bodybwe are orbiting? Is this also available for mobile version?

    +1 1.8 years ago

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182 AlphaSpaceEngineer