Auto Credit Based on HyperPatch's Solar System

Solar System


  • Predecessor: Solar System
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.801.0


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Sun 696.3 Mm 273.7 m/s - -
Mercury Sun 2,440 km 3.7 m/s 69,817.1 Mm 46,001.3 Mm
Venus Sun 6,052 km 8.9 m/s 108,944.8 Mm 107,473.1 Mm
Earth Sun 6,371 km 9.8 m/s 152,097.7 Mm 147,098.1 Mm
Moon Earth 1,737 km 1.6 m/s 405.7 Mm 363.1 Mm
Mars Sun 3,390 km 3.7 m/s 249,228.7 Mm 206,644.5 Mm
Phobos Mars 11 km 0.0 m/s 9,522 km 9,238 km
Deimos Mars 6,200 m 0.0 m/s 23,460 km 23,460 km
Jupiter Sun 69,911 km 24.8 m/s 816,081.5 Mm 740,742.6 Mm
Io Jupiter 1,822 km 1.8 m/s 423.5 Mm 420.1 Mm
Europa Jupiter 1,561 km 1.3 m/s 677.4 Mm 664.8 Mm
Ganymede Jupiter 2,634 km 1.4 m/s 1,071.8 Mm 1,069.0 Mm
Callisto Jupiter 2,410 km 1.2 m/s 1,896.6 Mm 1,868.8 Mm
Saturn Sun 58,232 km 10.4 m/s 1,503,983.4 Mm 1,349,467.4 Mm
Mimas Saturn 198 km 0.1 m/s 189.2 Mm 181.9 Mm
Enceladus Saturn 252 km 0.1 m/s 239.2 Mm 236.9 Mm
Tethys Saturn 531 km 0.1 m/s 295.0 Mm 294.4 Mm
Dione Saturn 561 km 0.2 m/s 378.3 Mm 376.6 Mm
Rhea Saturn 735 km 0.2 m/s 527.6 Mm 526.5 Mm
Titan Saturn 2,575 km 1.4 m/s 1,257.1 Mm 1,186.7 Mm
Iapetus Saturn 764 km 0.3 m/s 3,661.6 Mm 3,460.1 Mm
Uranus Sun 25,362 km 8.9 m/s 3,006,389.4 Mm 2,735,555.0 Mm
Neptune Sun 24,622 km 11.2 m/s 4,536,874.3 Mm 4,459,631.5 Mm


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    @HyperPatch All this info I'm just finding out in a way I still need to create my own and try to make more sense of it all. I had bigger problems with your version I don't know maybe I turned down all my settings by the time I loaded this one but in my comparison video it's same settings two different systems. This one looked a lot clearer then the other one. I'm just wondering exactly what was changed one graphic or two?

    2.3 years ago
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    25.1k HyperPatch

    @FuelsRHeavyRocketLiteTIME The creator couldn't have changed anything about the planet textures since every one of the planets within this system is made by me. The same number of planets too, which shouldn't matter, the first time you generate the low res scaled space cubemaps for far away planets is the last time you do so...

    You mention something about load times. That may be since you've already generated the scaled space textures, and only need to load them - as opposed to the first time you enter the system, where the game has to generate the terrain for each one of the celestial bodies to be able to generate the scaled space textures. Generating terrain includes loading the textures of the planet itself, which are higher res than the scaled space textures.

    Just a guess. If you wanna somewhat confirm it try loading my Solar System, above things considered it should work as well as this one, since it's literally the same system.

    2.3 years ago
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    @HyperPatch I don't know what changes were or weren't made I know this one works really good quicker load time and it doesn't corrupt my game file. Textures are lined up better and it doesn't strain my computer when I go to Cape Canaveral. I think they were optimized in a way either through the straight texture graphic or geography. I did a comparison picture and video of two systems the other one actually has longer load times but you can launch from any planet.

    2.3 years ago
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    25.1k HyperPatch

    @FuelsRHeavyRocketLiteTIME bro I can't tell if this is ironic or not because if you click any planet in the system's celestial bodies list it links to one I uploaded. so it's just my system

    2.3 years ago
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    @EZH0k More then likely this is looking like the newest and greatest and best RSS there is.

    2.4 years ago
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    Shweeeet! works, twerks, all over them Jer...O I mean I love it doesn't kill my files or my computer or my phone all textures in proper place. You married the right ones in a perfect blend. Watch out Hyperpatch!!!! I Believe there's a new and much better detailed RSS!!! At least he mentioned you...lol

    2.4 years ago
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    10 EZH0k

    Will it run on your phone?

    2.4 years ago

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