I have been working on a lunar kick stage for the Sparrow 2. You can see more about that here. The automatic code is still in progress, but using the kick stage I successfully sent a 2,053kg payload to a 300km lunar orbit. The Sparrow 2 sent the kick stage to a 100km Droo orbit and landed the first stage flawlessly. From there, I manually flew the kick stage and it’s payload to a 300km lunar orbit with 37% fuel remaining. This is great news, as it not only means that the kick stage has enough delta v to get to lunar orbit, but it can carry much larger payloads than expected. I still do not know how long the code will take, but it is well underway. Knowing it can carry these payloads, I may include a mini Luna lander with a command chip that can automatically land it, that way people can take off the command chip to have a regular moon orbiter, or use it on their own lander so it can automatically land.


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