As we all know, the addition of propellers was amazing for many reasons, but it's honestly only the start of a long way that Jundroo has to go to fix, expand, and improve all aviation technology throughout the game. So, let's talk about what we have to do.

  1. Propellers: In it's current state, the propeller part is actually quite good. It's powerplant however, is quite bad. Batteries are well-known in this game to be quite dense, greatly increasing mass, whether good or bad. So obviously, having to use the heaviest fuel source in the game in crafts that need to have carefully balanced mass and lift really isn't a good thing. Now, one way that you might say to get around this is to use a generator, which turns fuel into power. But there is a better way: just add engines. For propeller-driven craft, we need to have the addition of radial & inline engines, which would not only allow for more realistic crafts, but also allow us to use Jet Fuel, which already has very limited uses as is.

  2. Jet Engines: It's been known for a while that Jet Engines are kinda mediocre in this game. Due to a lack of customization options, you are limited in what you can do. The best ways to fix this would be to make Jet Engines customizable like Rocket Engines, mainly having new different types. These types would be the following: Turbojets, Turbofans, Turboprops (plus afterburners ofc!), Turboshafts, Ramjets, Pulsejets, and Scramjets. It would also be nice to have access to a hybrid mode, which would FINALLY allow us to make effective SSTOs/Spaceplanes.

In conclusion, I currently feel like Aviation Technology is kinda the lost child, and this important aspect of the game should be propped up higher on Jundroo's to-do list. Thanks for reading!



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  • Profile image
    4,015 PZLAgencies

    This is totally true. Planes that can fly in SP can't fly here.

    2 months ago
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    4,015 PZLAgencies

    God same with number 1! The propellers break because of spinning too fast which does not make sense.

    3 months ago
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    @StockPlanesRemastered my source is that I made it the fk up
    /s the devs said it themselves on a post 1.1 blog

    4 months ago
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    @PSsyalperdna what's your sources on this? They added propellers because
    1 people are making custom props, but they're a PITA to set up correctly and
    2 they want more of the Simpleplanes players to jump over.

    4 months ago
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    Tbh they only added propellers because of the career mode missions or something

    4 months ago
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    Gib scramjet jundroo

    +1 5 months ago
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    I have a feature request for engines. Please show support

    5 months ago
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    2,028 Wenhop

    @StingerTheRaven I just copied the types from google lol so I actually didn’t know that. Thanks for teaching me something new!

    5 months ago
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    2,028 Wenhop

    @Zenithspeed transmissions too!

    +1 5 months ago
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    3,380 NellEngineer

    I really must agree. The difficulty in making a realistic aircraft today is quite complicated due to the lack of customization possibilities within the game. Although the propellers were a very nice upgrade, we also needed to have the option of using the JetFuel as a direct power source, rather than bypassing it via the generator (which can be challenging) and even more complicated using completely batteries, which are extremely heavy.

    +1 5 months ago
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    21.7k Zenithspeed
    1. yeah, we seriously need an internal combustion engine that we can link to both props and wheels, so we can make both the plane community and the car community happy
    2. yes, yes, yes, yes.
    +1 5 months ago
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    Remember that the only difference between a turbojet and turbofan is that the turbojet has a BPR of 0. You can slide the BPR slider from 0 all the way to 7 (though new real-world engines are getting to even higher BPRs - the GE9x has 9.9:1!).
    Agreed otherwise. The lack of a fuel-burning torque source sticks out to me, especially since a decent fuelcell is big, unwieldy, and just not as satisfying as a turboshaft. And maybe turboshafts could become a new slider and some bools on the pre-existing jet engines: "is turboshaft?", torque-to-thrust ratio, front or rear shaft placement.

    +2 5 months ago


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