As of now, engine nozzles in SR2 neglect the fact that exhausting gasses have just been combusted and thus are extremely hot when entering (and exiting) the nozzle. I think nozzles in SR2 should reflect that and become orange/red hot over time. Solely visual effects would suffice, but if you were willing to go the extra mile, the exhaust could actually interact with parts, and have heating effects that could damage or even explode parts nearby such as spent stages that haven't drifted far enough away yet. Regeneratively cooled nozzles (i.e Delta nozzle - I can't remember if there are others in the game that have this feature, albeit only for looks at the moment) could have slightly different visuals - perhaps not becoming quite as orange/red hot.

This would add a touch of realism, forcing one to wait for stages to drift away a bit before burning the engines, and if the visual effects were up to par with the rest of this beautiful game, it would look amazing!

Not sure how hard this would be to implement, but at face value, it seems relativey simple - at least for the visuals (I honestly have no idea, I'm probably very naive).

I searched the suggestion page and couldn't find any suggestions like this one, but if someone has already suggested this and I'm blind, I'll be happy to upvote it:)

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