always a bug to prevent me from making my system... sigh, this time, its after i save
heres what happens:
i save my system, leave it, load it back in, only the sun remains, howwever, in its XML file, the planets are still there

Bug Done Found in 0.9.610.0 Fixed in 0.9.610.0


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    11.4k Chtite451SR2

    note for post merge...
    i zoomed out max from my system, the sun is still there...
    (probably a stupid thing to do... but the planets really did dissapear)

    Pinned 3.3 years ago
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    Dev Notes: There is nothing to stop a user from having multiple references to the same planet in the system. I can repro a similar issue by replacing Sergeaa with a reference to Droo (leaving two Droos in the same system). Saving appears to work but the system can then no longer be loaded.

    Pinned 3.3 years ago
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    This post has been merged with this post.

    3.3 years ago
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    I've updated planet studio to no longer allow adding/replacing actions which result in duplicate planets or planets with the same name, as that is not currently supported. I've also tweaked the code a bit to allow loading of some systems that have been impacted by the issue, with the duplicates being automatically removed.

    3.3 years ago

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