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Hello! I used to be a Kerbal Space Program player, clocking in at 700+ hours. In fact, Kerbal Space Program was one of my first video game that I ever purchased on my Steam account, back in 2016. (No, Team Fortress 2 is free to play and doesn't count as a purchase)

I actually had been aware of the existence of SimpleRockets 2, through a YouTuber named Scott Manley, but I decided to wait the game out until it's out of Early Access. After all, Kerbal Space Program already had everything SimpleRockets 2 could offer. Now that the game has been released (albeit with a different name), I can finally approach the space program career in a different way. I've grown tired of bendy rockets and spamming science experiments in Kerbal Space Program!

I've tried out SimpleRockets, the game released only in mobile platforms. It was very limited but still fun to try and beat out the challenges. One of the strategy in the "Low Flyer" challenge involves placing tons of nose cones to reduce drag to near zero, effectively orbiting Smearth! Unfortunately placing parts and moving the camera in the game is a pain in the ass. You don't want to accidentally move parts around when you're trying to move the camera around.

So here I am, in Juno: New Origins. It's safer here... from the Kraken.