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    Ok, thanks - and RIP to all of our fallen juice

    4.5 years ago
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    @Bmcclory - im not sure what that means, keyboard letters? i was wondering for the control sticks on the mobile version(i should have put that first). if i put foreward/reverse on pitch input, then brake is effected when i turn(on the left stick) - or foreward on throttle input(with no reverse), and turn with roll - or all left stick= throttle input and yaw to turn(no reverse) but its adjusting throttle/brake at every turn

    4.5 years ago
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    i had a couple act funny until i put them on a activation group, and turned on the fuel lines between them and the battery

    4.6 years ago
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    sorry, i did get the wheel brakes to work...so just cant get the reverse thrust on brake input

    4.6 years ago
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    majical beanstalks...

    4.6 years ago
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    i am on the android, so i dont think i can do the xml...but i did use the electric motors on a different rover, still attached them to wheels, but set them on an activation group that i kept "off". i might try that again - the rocker bogie does look like a fun one to build

    4.6 years ago
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    make sure you target the satellite that you want to dock with(in map view - tap on the target satellite, and the button that looks like a square will target it), then if you tap on the velocity meter(at the bottom of the screen) it should toggle between the velocity relative to the target or orbit...then in the auto burn screen, it should also show your closest point and velocity(to the target) under the projected path of your craft

    4.6 years ago
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    ok - cool, so more of a mobile device/craft issue, and not a limit of the mobile version...im glad to hear my old galaxy note 4 phone is holding strong - i started with craft graphics on "low", but moved it to "medium" about a week ago - it will slow down every once in a while, but usually recovers in a couple seconds....eventually i have to try it on windows - the detail of this game is amazing

    4.6 years ago
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    ok - yeah, it says 314 parts - wonder why its working on my phone, i did a test flight to urados(thinking that would be the answer), but ill remember to keep it under 300 in the future

    4.6 years ago
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    thanks for the quick response ...but, hmmm - i built and used it on mobile(i only have the mobile version) - it is a little more detailed than my other uploads, but worked on flights so far

    4.6 years ago
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    i usually get into orbit first, and try to aim the escape from lunas gravity in the opposite direction of lunas orbit(in relation to droo) - to lose some speed...once the rocket is out of lunas gravity, retrograde burn until the orbit gets close to droo, and you can use the atmosphere to slow down

    4.6 years ago
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    ok - thank you, wasnt sure if i was missing a setting or something

    4.6 years ago
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    the best use i could find for the nuclear engines is orbiting satellites or docking, the low thrust is good for dialing in the orbit to exactly where you want it, to get into rcs range...and water usually has a good amount of delta v in small tanks

    4.6 years ago
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    great explanation - you can also check how efficient each type will be by looking at the TWR and Delta V while changing fuel types to see which one will give you enough thrust to lift off, or enough km/s to reach a target...those 2 numbers help me alot with the size of the tanks

    4.7 years ago
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    if the parts are not directly connected to the fuel tank ("battery" selected as type) - it might need the "fuel line" selected on all the parts between your robotic parts and the battery fuel tank...like if the battery tank was on the top of the rocket, and a rotator was on the bottom part, just turn the "fuel line" setting to "on" in the settings of those 2 parts, and every part between them, and they should operate - same for monopropellant and rcs, or xenon tank and ion engine

    4.7 years ago
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    i think the aerospike nozzle is made to be efficient in vacuum, so i have never used it to launch. but another option would be to use some small rockets, just a little lower than the middle engine (with the radial mirror mode) and interstages just to stand up on take-off, and discard them after launch.

    4.7 years ago
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    i will give that a try, thank you

    4.7 years ago
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    i agree with that, for functionality - like adding shocks to land easier, or more solar panels to charge batteries, or more stages for efficiency - but not making a fuel tank out of 50 parts to make it look rounded (or i would play auto cad) - im not trying to downtalk anyones super realistic giant crafts, i wish the mobile version would fly them...but it doesnt, and doesnt recognize alot of the parts that aren't in the mobile version parts list.

    4.7 years ago
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    i got it to work once, but not sure how. what does the button look like to activate the auto burn?

    4.7 years ago
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    no problem, glad it worked out - i usually build the satellites seperate also...its easier to modify them without having to take apart the whole fairing to see it

    4.7 years ago
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    it took me a couple of tries, and some help to get the ion engine to work - my try produces 20N (0.020kN) of thrust, and will only move a really light satellite(so far) - but it needed a command chip xenon battery, regular battery, solar panels, and the ion engine (i turned the "fuel line" on each part)...but it still runs out the battery faster than the solar panels charge it. im not sure if the battery recharges the xenon battery, but my small xenon tank is still at 100% after a bunch of burns that ran the regular battery down. i uploaded it, if its any help to look at

    4.7 years ago