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joined 1.7 years ago

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Player Biography  

HI, There, Some of my crafts are modified ones from what I drew/designed on paper. By the way, I like making fictional planes, rockets and ships, it's a bit difficult for me to make a replica and that's why I don't have much replica crafts posted. I like history of planes, tanks and warships especially the military. Rockets? I like em too, I also play SFS (Space Flight Simulator)

If you see my fictional crafts, you wonder what OJP or ORP or OSP stands for, well here's your answer:
O(starts with my real name, which I cant say)
J/R/etc(It depends on what type of object I designed like" J = Jet", "R = Rocket")

Projects currently:

CVE-5 Edison Aircraft Carrier, OJP-11A+C


•Heavy Bomber
•Upgrade old planes
•VTOL Aircraft

Previously known as PanzerTeam23