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    @mjdfx150529 I know the basics , but I am not really intersted in knowing more than that unless I need to , I just love Astronomy , so that kind of game is just perfect for me ! thanks for the advice tho !

    +2 5.3 years ago
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    @Bmcclory I return you the compliment :D !

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    Yay , finnally I can make my rockets polute the planet for the next century with higly radioactive fuel ! Thanks Jundroo !

    In all seriousness tho , that looks awesome , can't wait for it so I can have more fun (KSP's getting kinda boring and SR2 is not completed enought to be played for more than some hundreds of hours yet) !

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    N O I C E . Can't wait to use those things and make it look like I am a rocket scientist when I don't understant anything !

    5.3 years ago
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    @Bmcclory I completly agree , it's just that I am one of those guys that get's bored of a game VERY fast (one of the things I hate about myself , and one of the only , not to brag or anything) and even more if I don't have a clear "objective" or things that make's me want to do it (ex: there's no space station parts on the game ? why make a space station ! (Yes , I'm one of those guys) . And I completly agree that you can have thousands of hours into this game at this stage and still not be finished , but not me . That update is gonna take my interest up a huge margin tho.

    5.3 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Yeah , that's the main thing keeping me away from prefering SR2 , but since it will probably be added later , I am not worrying

    5.3 years ago
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    @pedro16797 I misprononced myself , when I said that there aren't many things to do , it was compared to ksp , of course there are many things to do in SR2 but you can't/don't have any purpose of building a Lunar base for exemple . Sorry for the misunderstanding (kinda)

    5.3 years ago