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Auto Credit Based on StuffBuilder's landing curiosity mars

turn on launch steam and this happens (you cant see it on photo but it is real)



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Test Rocket Droo 47 22,108kg 873 km 2.74 km/s
Craft-36 Cylero 109 0kg 68 km 1.49 km/s
Viking orbiter and Lander Cylero 136 5,835kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-42 Cylero 109 0kg 103 km 1.44 km/s
FN-11 "Litho" Lunar Lander Cylero 155 0kg 110 km 1.43 km/s
FN-11 "Litho" Lunar Lander Luna 155 0kg 108 km 657.0 m/s
SimpleHeavy Juno 22 0kg 67,244.4 Mm 6.01 km/s
nova medium Droo 19 0kg 249 km 3.15 km/s
nova super heavy JMB Droo 23 22,062kg 11,356 km 1.09 km/s
nova super heavy JMB Droo 19 17,813kg 209 km 3.22 km/s
nova super heavy JMB Droo 53 8,818kg 1,424 km 2.73 km/s
nova super heavy JMB2 Droo 8 21,372kg 3,278 km 1.85 km/s
Craft-116 Droo 7 0kg 451 km 2.95 km/s
Craft-117 Droo 7 0kg 804 km 2.67 km/s
Craft-118 Droo 7 86kg 2,330 km 2.13 km/s
Craft-119 Droo 7 0kg 3,505 km 1.77 km/s
nova super heavy JMB2 Droo 8 15,700kg 2,402 km 1.88 km/s
Craft-129 Droo 7 0kg 432 km 3.04 km/s
Craft-130 Droo 7 86kg 425 km 3.23 km/s
Craft-131 Droo 7 0kg 2,662 km 1.71 km/s
atlas v 401 Droo 3 969kg 1,840 km 2.02 km/s
Mars Base with NO MODS! Cylero 651 97,133kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mars Base with NO MODS!-137 Cylero 190 6,023kg Ground 0.0 m/s
nova mega heavy JMB with solar probe Droo 79 3.37E+5kg 471 m 164.0 m/s

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