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Auto Credit Based on Hermes01000100's Fuselage Added Corners

When I have offsets set to anything but .01, they can be applied incorrectly at times when i try to use the gizmos to change a fusealge' face dimensions. When I use it on one face, it works fine, but when I switch to another face, the first step is something other than what the offset is supposed to be. For example, when I have my offset set to .05 and try to use the blue gizmos to change a face's dimensions, the first step might be .025 instead of .05. This is a very commonly occuring bug, at least for me.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Add a fuselage (strut, fuel tank, doesn't matter)
2. Set offset to whatever you like (.1 seems most succeptible to this bug)
3. Use the gizmos in the shape tool to change the width or height on one of the faces.
4. Go to the other face of that fuselage and do the same.
5. If the bug does not occur at first, repeat steps 1-4 on another fuselage until it does.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
James Tank Droo 1840 38,642kg Ground 0.0 m/s
TZ-186 Droo 446 31,237kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 14 11,742kg 414 km 3.07 km/s
Heavy III Droo 303 1.82E+5kg 414 km 3.07 km/s
Heavy III Droo 1254 2.26E+5kg 413 km 3.07 km/s
C.M.G Charidemus Cylero 1281 2.46E+5kg 6,935 km 648.0 m/s
C.M.G Charidemus-9 Cylero 1281 2.46E+5kg 6,935 km 648.0 m/s
C.M.G Charidemus-10 Cylero 1281 2.46E+5kg 6,935 km 648.0 m/s
C.M.G Xanthippus Tydos 1515 4.85E+5kg 11,669 km 13.35 km/s
C.M.G Xanthippus-12 Tydos 1515 4.85E+5kg 11,669 km 13.35 km/s
C.M.G Xanthippus-13 Tydos 1951 2.15E+6kg 11,669 km 13.35 km/s

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