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Auto Credit Based on jhardegr's multiple coredumps during passive orbit

(1) Launched craft to orbit;
(2) Expanded orbit to escape Droo SOI;
(3) Plotted/executed maneuver to return to Droo, close enough for atmospheric capture;
(4) Jettisoned all but capsule and nosecone at high altitude
(5) Jettisoned nose cone too late; it exploded from heat and destroyed entire craft.
(6) Nav crosshairs continued to orbit at constant altitude (aprox. 27km) as though the craft still existed.
(7) Made several extreme low altitude orbits at various warp settings, no change.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
MoonRocket3 Sun 54 6,354kg 24,998.4 Mm 13.83 km/s
MoonRocket3 Sun 95 28,864kg 14,764.2 Mm 19.15 km/s

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