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Auto Credit Based on BaconAircraft's Paint color not updating.

No clue what is causing it. I am unable to click or drag.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Proton-M Sun 1 0kg 14,788.1 Mm 19.25 km/s
Craft-5 Sun 9 0kg 14,788.1 Mm 19.25 km/s
Proton-M Droo 44 0kg 177 km 3.27 km/s
Craft-11 Droo 22 0kg 173 km 3.27 km/s
Proton-M Droo 44 7,512kg 95 km 3.41 km/s
Craft-16 Droo 22 7,799kg 93 km 3.41 km/s

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