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Auto Credit Based on Sushiboi's Previous target orbit line is visible

I detached my cargo trunk and pointed retrograde, the gyroscope on the trunk responded to the capsule inputs even though there is no electricity on the cargo trunk



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Spy-sat 1 Earth 9 81kg 207 km 7.78 km/s
Panthera Space Station Earth 118 8,368kg 401 km 7.67 km/s
Dock tester Earth 64 23,221kg 401 km 7.67 km/s
Crew Phantom terra RLV Earth 14 12,754kg 73 km 6.83 km/s
Crew Phantom terra RLV-124 Earth 225 37,556kg 73 km 6.84 km/s

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