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Auto Credit Based on WNP78's Rotation gizmo broken on scaled parts

Hit stage and throttle up, if you make it to the end of the runway without them falling through they normally will when you go off the end. Suspension is disabled.
EDIT: just realised I was on low physics. issue is gone on high physics



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SimpleDocker Smearth 31 0kg 129 km 3.37 km/s
nrover Smearth 38 671kg Ground 0.0 m/s
gargantuan lojufs hdgzolksfd Smars 3 1,997kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-12 Sun 4 0kg 17,886.7 Mm 17.81 km/s
M.Corp Skybus Smearth 92 43,107kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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