0 downloads Unlisted

Recovery Bonus higher than launch cost. Launch and recovery from same runway.
Just completed the Contract to unlock DSC Runway.
Awarded 1.60 Million.
Quicksaved a few times



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
ES KA-2 Droo 46 696kg 846 km 2.87 km/s
ES KA-2-100 Droo 4 1,670kg 210 km 3.28 km/s
ES KA-2 Droo 66 980kg 2,421 km 1.75 km/s
ES KA-3 Droo 44 3,784kg 2,382 km 1.81 km/s
ES KA-2-131 Droo 4 1,670kg 327 km 3.28 km/s
ES KA-2 Droo 6 581kg 934 km 2.38 km/s
ES Brigo Crash Stage Brigo 9 4,475kg 13 km 562.0 m/s
ES Brigo Surveilance Sat Brigo 9 1,193kg 15 km 558.0 m/s
ES Icarus 2 Droo 16 511kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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