Auto Credit Based on FoxtrotTheSergal's the orbits shake and they are edited alone

added the lunar space station , It is simple but it fulfills its function



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
CSS Droo 6065 7.6E+5kg 123 km 3.38 km/s
Community Cylero Tug Cylero 842 6.07E+5kg 103 km 1.48 km/s
LunProbe ! Luna 19 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
SH-111 FORTITUDE Droo 404 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Lunar Comms Sat 4 Luna 48 0kg 83 km 676.0 m/s
Lunar Comms Sat 2 Luna 48 0kg 98 km 661.0 m/s
Lunar Comms Sat 1 Luna 48 0kg 84 km 674.0 m/s
Lunar Comms Sat 3 Luna 48 0kg 81 km 677.0 m/s
Cylero Community Space Station Cylero 2995 2.18E+5kg 102 km 1.48 km/s
orion MPCV Luna 728 1.14E+5kg 101 km 663.0 m/s

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