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Auto Credit Based on _Omega_'s Angle RCS is borken while pointing at something

I selected a ship in orbit, took control of it, then selected my ship on the ground waiting to be launched and took control of it, and now i cant select the ship in orbit. I actually cant select any ship and i am able to put a burn node inside the planet. Also it looks like the game thinks my rocket on the ground is going to crash



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
A-Wing Urados 57 958kg 9,355 km 4.02 km/s
New Droo 18 0kg 74,095 km 566.0 m/s
New Droo 15 0kg 50,885 km 644.0 m/s
Save Droo 93 59,434kg 104 km 3.40 km/s
Refuel Droo 120 8.96E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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