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Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
International Space Station Earth 532 1.13E+6kg 447 km 7.64 km/s
AMORT - advanced moon orbit radio telescope Mars 325 3,466kg 252 km 3.42 km/s
Frontier PlanetaryProbe The Sun 335 8,048kg 695,555.6 Mm 14.15 km/s
Galileo(replica) Jupiter 180 1,962kg 2,534.5 Mm 7.99 km/s
The Martian MarsBase with Mars Rover and Probe Mars 299 1.28E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Martian MarsBase with Mars Rover and Probe-61 Mars 146 805kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Martian MarsBase with Mars Rover and Probe-62 Mars 146 805kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Martian MarsBase with Mars Rover and Probe-63 Mars 145 16,328kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Martian MarsBase with Mars Rover and Probe-64 Mars 54 9,100kg Ground 0.0 m/s
MAV Ares Mars 828 1.57E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Martian MarsBase with Mars Rover and Probe-63-67 Mars 6 203kg Ground 0.0 m/s
[infinit]The MIR space station Earth 2581 2.44E+5kg 185 km 7.79 km/s
Skylab space station Earth 904 22,827kg 579 km 7.56 km/s
R.O.V.E 1 personal transport vehicle Mercury 26 12,997kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Surface Observation Probe Pluto 71 0kg 5,373 km 246.0 m/s
Surface Observation Probe Pluto 71 3,201kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Falcon 9 real scale rocket and reuseable 1st stage The Sun 80 91,923kg 141,631.0 Mm 15.38 km/s
Parker Solar Probe - Upgraded! The Sun 394 10,268kg 141,632.4 Mm 15.38 km/s
Baguwix Capsule v1.0 Earth 100 1.47E+5kg 446 km 7.64 km/s
EPC2.0 performance car chassis Mars 222 5,037kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Apollo 11(real) Earth 518 93,251kg 2,318 km 6.50 km/s
Apollo 11(real)-125 Earth 33 1,604kg 1,562 km 6.87 km/s
Gemini Titan II 1:1 scale Earth 5 1,816kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Gemini Titan II 1:1 scale-137 Earth 15 6,471kg 291 km 7.72 km/s
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Atlas V Earth 125 0kg 290 km 7.69 km/s
SCT-A Venus 120 2,024kg 583 km 7.00 km/s
Zenit-3F+Spektr-R Earth 617 3,564kg 32,235 km 2.00 km/s
Zenit-3F+Spektr-R-149-150 Earth 11 1,498kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zenit-3F+Spektr-R-149-151 Earth 2 15,163kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zenit-3F+Spektr-R-149-152 Earth 2 15,163kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zenit-3F+Spektr-R-149-153 Earth 2 15,163kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zenit-3F+Spektr-R-155 Earth 36 3,386kg 1,590 km 7.34 km/s
Apollo 11(real) Earth 379 41,010kg 291.4 Mm 818.0 m/s
Apollo 11(real)-159 Earth 33 1,726kg 5,348 km 5.71 km/s
Apollo 11(real)-162 Earth 137 10,530kg 290.0 Mm 807.0 m/s
Floating Launch Pad Earth 99 3.76E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
James-Chadwick High-Energy Cosmic Particle Detector Neptune 471 5,287kg 235.9 Mm 4.35 km/s
Buran-energia Neptune 655 0kg 312.3 Mm 2.64 km/s
Ares 1 Earth 7 4,137kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Ares 1-171 Earth 117 4.94E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mimas 118 27,576kg 48 km 99.0 m/s
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mimas 121 27,658kg 7,322 m 110.0 m/s
[RSS] Lunar lander The Moon 773 35,440kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Copernicus-B Mars Transfer Vehicle Mars 409 4.53E+5kg 210 km 3.44 km/s
MAV Ares Jupiter 828 21,341kg 47,378 km 46.26 km/s
[RSS] Lunar lander Ganymede 301 5,110kg 56 km 1.92 km/s
[RSS] Lunar lander-183 Ganymede 472 3,661kg Ground 0.0 m/s
bad wheels is good formula Mars 70 1,937kg Ground 0.0 m/s


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