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Auto Credit Based on eekee's Fuel cell not charging battery

I wrote a bug report. When I clicked the Upload button, I was shown a registration form. (So far, so good.) I registered, it told me the registration was successful, so I clicked Upload again. It told me "You must confirm your email to upload content", and here's the bug: it discarded my bug report. I hate to write it all out again and take the screenshot again.

I think this is a serious bug; it may have quite a large negative impact on bug reporting. Bug reporting is not easy for me, and I have at times given up on things entirely over obstacles like this. I know I'm not the only one.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Unassigned-3 Droo 149 12,671kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Farover Droo 21 15,294kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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