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Auto Credit Based on mcdonalaid101's double shadow

Hey developers. I just noticed this odd bug occuring while accellerating this plane off of the runway on Droo. It is a strange glitch that makes the rubber tire markings appear delayed from the wheel. The markings show up as part of acceleration but there is like 1 1/2 in-game meters before the traction markings show up. Although the markings are still being made, the game seems to react as if the wheels are a distance behind where they actually are. Again, this is under continueus acceleration and the markings will still follow, but they are rather far behind.

Steps to reproduce:
1) try this, or another craft on the runway(I only think it gliches with this craft)
2) use propulsion to constantly accelerate it- in this case, the motors in the wheels are not active in neather brake nor torque.
3) if the glitch occurs you should notice the markings being delayed from where the wheels is.

please note that once acceleration is finished the markings are able to keep up with the craft. Also, I have only noticed this glitch with this craft(I will try others later) and the glitch still occured after I relaunched the craft.

For the developers:

Thank you guys, I can't thank you enough for the exelent work you do. Expecily now when i'm stuck at home wishing you could get of this planet. Just by playing this game I relized a lot of my own potentials and interests. I'm not sure how you guys are doing what you do when you are stuck at home, but it really is impressive. Best wishes to you and your game.

(yes, this is an actual bug report, not just a reconizion)


  • Predecessor: double shadow
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Planetary System: Juno System
  • Planets: 6
  • Game Time: 898.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SimpleHeavy Luna 52 1,369kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Cylero 19 3,734kg Ground 0.0 m/s
moon rocket Luna 82 6,507kg Ground 0.0 m/s
mars sat and detach Cylero 31 1,713kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-110 Cylero 30 1,058kg 1,841 km 736.0 m/s
Xplorer rover craft Cylero 47 2,811kg Ground 0.0 m/s
SUN KISSER rocket Juno 85 9,913kg 7,149.6 Mm 30.56 km/s
manned moon rover rocket Luna 41 6,535kg Ground 0.0 m/s
space telescope Juno 223 39,361kg 12,484.2 Mm 20.18 km/s
long distance sat Tydos 25 8,593kg 3,006.5 Mm 1.37 km/s
long distance sat-152 Juno 15 0kg 17,645.7 Mm 19.11 km/s
long distance sat-153 Juno 9 0kg 45,485.8 Mm 12.06 km/s
manned moon rover rocket-125-154 Luna 102 66,799kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Tydos sat and TCAR-160 Tydos 15 0kg 2,075.2 Mm 2.54 km/s
Tydos sat and TCAR-161 Tydos 18 1,039kg 32,416 km 13.00 km/s
Little Bug Droo 32 767kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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