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Auto Credit Based on amazingperson124's An astronaut died from reentry heating

When a capsule has its door facing the ground, the astronaut will spawn clipped into the ground and will fall below.
1 create a craft where a command pod is on its side, door facing down
2 add astronaut
3 launch
4 EVA the astronaut

Check out Soyuz 5 in the world, its command pod door is facing down.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Saturn I Droo 21 26,922kg 2,772 km 1.60 km/s
Saturn I Pegasus Satellite Droo 63 31,957kg 1,136 km 2.56 km/s
Saturn I Pegasus Satellite Droo 63 0kg 727 km 2.88 km/s
Craft-55 Droo 23 0kg 440 km 3.03 km/s
MOL Boilerplate Droo 23 0kg 308 km 3.17 km/s
Project Orion Sun 38 4.55E+5kg 2,093,920.9 Mm 2.24 km/s
Proton-K Droo 16 0kg 7,748 km 1.38 km/s
Soyuz 4 Droo 34 1,239kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Soyuz 5 Droo 32 1,058kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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