Great things to come :-)


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 1.0.909.1
  • Planetary System: Solar System
  • Planets: 10
  • Game Time: 155.0 days


  • RSS Rebalance by Dryhorse
    Version 0.1 (6/6/2022 2:31:29 AM)
    View Mod Page


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
RSS Germania I - 6 (Sonnsys.) Sun 12 93kg 135,162.5 Mm 26.46 km/s
RSS Germania I - 8 (äquat.) Moon 16 551kg 122 km 1.64 km/s
RSS Germania I - 9 (polar) Moon 12 135kg 109 km 1.63 km/s
RSS Germania I - 10 (polar) Moon 12 166kg 102 km 1.63 km/s
RSS Germania I - 11 (Südpol) Moon 15 158kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Fackel Äquator Earth 22 4,575kg 499 km 7.61 km/s
Fackel Mond Earth 22 4,285kg 500 km 7.61 km/s
Fackel Pol Earth 22 3,994kg 504 km 7.61 km/s
RSS Vostok 7-89 Earth 14 1,658kg 265 km 7.74 km/s
RSS Geo 1 Earth 19 660kg 35,976 km 3.07 km/s
Shackleton Basis Moon 21 16,004kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Südpol Mond Moon 5 1,939kg Ground 0.0 m/s
RSS Friedensbringer v0.9.1 Robotlanded Moon 213 54,467kg Ground 0.0 m/s
RSS Friedensbringer Tanker Moon 277 1.1E+5kg 198 km 1.59 km/s
GRS2 Polar Earth 119 58,121kg 1,000 km 7.35 km/s
NassMaker Two Earth 67 2.71E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
RSS Germania2 v15 Moon 63 3,220kg 1,000 km 1.34 km/s
RSS Marserwarter Sun 72 16,010kg 152,058.4 Mm 29.26 km/s
GRS Germania I Earth 384 1.84E+5kg 1,000 km 7.35 km/s
RSS Germania3T v4 Earth 72 58,210kg 447 km 7.64 km/s
Nina Ross Moon 1 116kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craig Winters Moon 1 116kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mondstatation Pol Moon 127 6.48E+5kg 200 km 1.59 km/s

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