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If you go from the moon back to droo, the capsule will still spin around in the atmosphere. Also it wants to go nose first, when in the real world something going at such speed will want to be at the point of most drag, making the capsule go bottom first.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
LLR-6-8 Juno 9 1,166kg 15,034.5 Mm 665.0 m/s
LLR-6-10 Droo 5 15,657kg 73,494 km 379.0 m/s
LLR-6-9 Luna 41 6,196kg 26 km 729.0 m/s
LLR-6 Droo 16 5,128kg 17 km 626.0 m/s
LLR-6-25 Juno 9 1,166kg 14,733.5 Mm 413.0 m/s
LLR-6-26 Droo 85 33,043kg 61 km 4.81 km/s

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