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Auto Credit Based on Klosskopf's landing on luna retrograde is imposible

If you move a tire in a interstage during building, the tire will do all it can, to get out of the interstage. Placing Tire directly in the interstage does not end in the same (chaotic) result. The same goes for tires, that get retracted in the intestage.

Just retract slider1 and see what happens
(The can on the side is just to show, how the two cans got built)



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
falcon 9 Droo 30 0kg 13,018 km 1.05 km/s
falcon 9 Droo 30 0kg 13,262 km 1.04 km/s
SAOCOM1A Droo 42 1,926kg 600 km 2.91 km/s
New Droo 323 1.08E+5kg 125 km 3.35 km/s
New Droo 25 1.02E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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