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Auto Credit Based on AnotherFireFox's Phantom Force Problem (again!)

Can you see the target vehicle's solar panel is misaligned?



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SimpleHeavy Droo 22 0kg 274 km 3.20 km/s
Orbital Telescope Droo 26 0kg 5,626 km 1.51 km/s
[AFFA] Autonomous Transport Vehicle Droo 452 11,075kg 102 km 3.40 km/s
Craft-33 Droo 51 0kg 101 km 3.40 km/s
[AFFA] Eridanus + Beta Heavy Droo 347 0kg 7,243 km 921.0 m/s
Craft-36 Droo 721 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-37 Droo 216 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
[AFFA] NDS Test Droo 283 24,800kg 100 km 3.40 km/s
[AFFA] NDS Test Droo 283 24,474kg 100 km 3.40 km/s

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