2 downloads Unlisted
Auto Credit Based on ShakzDar's Stuck in planet when warping

After getting a really high and slow apoapsis from smearth, I get this displacement between craft position and vector line



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Flight I Smoon 13 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Flight I Smoon 16 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Flight I.2 Smoon 16 2,360kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Butter 7 Smoon 19 1,522kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Butter 9 Smars 15 1,625kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Butter 9 Smearth 26 11,801kg 609 km 2.90 km/s
Butter 9 Smearth 23 3,665kg 619 km 2.89 km/s
Craft-94 Smearth 3 4,494kg 607 km 2.87 km/s
Butter 9 Smearth 28 12,849kg 37,426 km 30.0 m/s

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