this sandbox is simple


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Planetary System: SolarSystem
  • Planets: 6
  • Game Time: 13,919.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
CyberBricc Droo 105 2.01E+5kg 278 km 3.63 km/s
CyberBricc2 Droo 105 2.01E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Racer Rover Luna 63 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Hubble Telescope Droo 22 1.21E+5kg 1,537 km 1.99 km/s
Craft-37 Droo 30 0kg 851 km 2.77 km/s
Craft-38 Droo 30 0kg 1,685 km 1.85 km/s
Opportunity Mars Rover Cylero 146 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Ares V (With Space Station) 1 Droo 91 21,040kg 84 km 3.42 km/s
Smile Space Co. Interplanetary Skimmer Probe Urados 69 0kg 3,624 km 4.78 km/s
Sword-MK2 Tianxing2 Cargo spacecraft Droo 659 0kg 101 km 3.40 km/s
A simple manned satellite Droo 573 14,138kg 208 km 3.27 km/s
LEARIS (Lunar Environment Analysis, Reconnaissance & Imaging Surveyor) Luna 69 317kg 74 km 683.0 m/s
Satellite Tbone Droo 166 6,656kg 221 km 3.26 km/s
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Atlas V Cylero 81 2,844kg 138 km 1.44 km/s
Cassini W/Huygens Probe Tydos 241 0kg 11,740 km 14.70 km/s
Mars Lander Cylero 87 5,052kg Ground 0.0 m/s
URANS PLUS Urados 19 1,314kg 715.6 Mm 560.0 m/s
Mir Space Station 1:1 Droo 576 39,438kg 199 km 3.29 km/s
China Space Station Droo 91 0kg 423 km 3.05 km/s
Luna satellite Luna 31 1,161kg 2,272 km 281.0 m/s
Parker Solar Probe Sun 327 9,890kg 9,396.1 Mm 20.79 km/s
heavy cargo rocket with space station core Droo 91 0kg 103 km 3.40 km/s
Satellite MK2 Cylero 21 1,072kg 147 km 1.44 km/s
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO Sun 222 0kg 24,509.3 Mm 14.85 km/s
Inflatable Space Habitat Droo 104 87,541kg 219 km 3.27 km/s
NASA Lunar Gateway (WIP) Luna 274 0kg 56 km 701.0 m/s

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