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I tried the last feature of the camera and i found it was globaly broken but cant reproduce the other bugs (the camera fov is overset, cant zoom or zoom out, etc)

but i found that when you use a camera as a point of view, it no longer send the inputs/AG (i actually didn't tried with the stage activation but i'm sure it's the same) to the command pod even i know they're pressed because the slider panel and the AG panel show so.
Moreover, the buttons also doesn't work.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Charlie Launch System-10 Droo 69 53,781kg 191 km 3.30 km/s
Charlie Launch System-10-11 Droo 152 12,975kg 1,149 km 2.55 km/s
GatCat-21 Droo 933 27,803kg Ground 0.0 m/s
GatCat-21-28 Droo 60 1,244kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Alison Waters Droo 1 106kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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