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  1. Drag a new wing into the designer.
  2. Open the new wing's part properties.
  3. Notice how the wing contains 0 kg of fuel despite the fuel capacity slider being maxed out. The performance analyzer shows N/A fuel capacity.
  4. Changing fuel capacity or resizing the wing seems to fix the issue.

Wing with N/A fuel

A question: Fins seem to be unable to contain fuel. Is that intended? They also seem to have a different "density" compared to normal wings. 100 vs 200, in fact.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Adversary AR-36B Droo 284 28,404kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Auto-reuse Rocket Gen 3 Medium Experimental Beta Droo 289 2.89E+5kg 41 km 1.57 km/s
Auto-reuse Rocket Gen 3 Medium Experimental Beta-16 Droo 1 2,361kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Auto-reuse Rocket Gen 3 Medium Experimental Beta-17 Droo 1 2,149kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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