Auto Credit Based on Jiguangtechnology's Chinese space station

This is a core warehouse of the space station. The slider 1 can adjust the rotation of the front interface.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
New Droo 13 8,011kg 255 km 3.18 km/s
New Droo 13 8,011kg 176 km 3.30 km/s
New Tydos 34 21,218kg 13,835 km 13.77 km/s
CZ 3C & Chang'e 2-123 Luna 177 2,321kg 243 km 588.0 m/s
New Droo 41 35,042kg 4,174 km 1.74 km/s
New Droo 44 52,313kg 7,031 km 1.37 km/s
New Droo 91 1.27E+5kg 575 km 2.87 km/s

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