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Auto Credit Based on KraZIvan's Cannot Map Joystick after calibration

My craft started experienceing oscillations (the craft would twist back and forth) that continued to increase until the craft shook itself apart or was hard to control. I think this would be hard to reproduce, and it's probably not going to be a bug that is encountered frequently:

1) build something with engines pulling on this structures (in my case pistons)

2)make sure the structure with the rockets has some weight to it such as tanks

3)Make sure the bottome structure also has weight, so that basically these 2 heavy structures are only connected by 2 long and thin struts or pistons.

NOTE: I didn't mess with the stability modifires, and I don't think this bug is gaebreaking or anything, just something encountered on very uncommon situations or builds.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SimpleLunarOrbiter Mk-7e Luna 15 0kg 210 km 594.0 m/s
Arda Lunar Lifter wLEO-III Rover Payload Mk-2 Luna 172 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Arda Lunar Lifter wLEO-III Rover Payload Mk-2 Luna 181 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-24 Luna 110 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Wasp 2.0 Droo 130 20,201kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Arda Mars 2020 Rover (Full Payload) Mk-3 Droo 318 10,629kg 561 m 159.0 m/s

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