Behold! The newest on aviation safety technology! The Yeet Seat 4.0!

Tired of other ejection seats killing your droods with upwards of 40 Gs? Then LS Aerospace's Yeet Seat is right for you! This chair has been thoroughly tested to pull no more then 12-20 Gs during ejection! This amount of Gs is not sustained, and thus is very survivable (99%) The impressive survivability has lead the seat to be approved as safe for ejections for speeds up to Mach 3!

Not only is the seat safe, it is also comfortable! The seat is equipped with armrests and a headrest, both connected to a sturdy exoskeleton. The seat’s ergonomic features where designed with movement and visibility in mind.

Use and application:
Create a sub. by taking the detacher and draging it to sub.
Install the chair by connecting the detacher to the cockpit.
AG 7 controls the ejection sequence, then stage to the parachute.

Use Notes:
Highly recommend throttle down directly before ejection.
Canopy MUST be removed completely directly prior to ejection (or set to no collision).
Chair purposefully tilts forwards during ejection to counter aerodynamic drag.

Other Notes:
Is stock (not counting shrinking engine (not mass, just the scale).
Is realistic in comparison to irl ejection seats.

Legal Notes:
In the fourth figure the Dummy is labeled as dead, this is because they do not know the difference between sustained Gs and non sustained Gs, a 20 G non sustained is very survivable.
We are not responsible for faulty canopy ejections!

5.0 Coming Soon!


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.307.0
  • Price: $22,416k
  • Number of Parts: 43
  • Dimensions: 6 m x 16 m x 20 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 212kN
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 16,394kg
  • Dry Mass: 10,182kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 0m/s 0N 0s 16,394kg


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