"Perhaps I can do my laundry with it..."

I use it as a test navigation buoy for my upcoming Vizzy Automatic Moon Target Landing (ATL) program.
Due to its small size it can be launched from Earth as a probe for Moon, if you have a craft capable of doing this.
I just landed this small boy to the Moons surface and yes, I am really looking forward to my automatic Vizzy program, doing this job for me.

Work's nice for the childrens corner of Moonbase One, too.

Something for an hour between.

... what do you mean, "professional" ?



  • Total Delta V: 2.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 6kN
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 2,394kg
  • Dry Mass: 800kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 2.9km/s 6kN 10.7m 2,394kg

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